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I have requested a new internet contract with KPN on Dec 31 2022.

My previous internet contract ended Jan 3 2023.

I still did not receive the KPN modem.

Today I received an email saying that “KPN Network must first carry out excavation work at your address before we can connect your home to our network”.

What excavation works? I already have the phone/ADSL KPN connection in my apartment and the previous tenants had an ADSL contract with you until Dec 2022.

Can you please look into this asap? I really need internet for work and already 9 days passed since my request.

Hi @Lorenzo_, welcome! I indeed see the comment of my colleague regarding the excavation work. I've responded with the question why the previous tenant was able to use an ADSL connection and you are not. As soon as I receive a response, I will let you know. 

Thank you so much @Marcia_ 

My colleague explained that you ordered a subscription on house number 23. The previous tenant ordered the subscription on house number 21, addition 23. If you live in the same appartement as the previous tenant, you should be able to order again with that house number + addition.

Thank you @Marcia_ 


Should I cancel this order and make a new one?

Or is there a way to edit the address on this order?

Dear @Marcia_ 

I saw that my order was cancelled.

I have opened another order with house number 21 and 23 as addition.

I hope this time will work.


I have contacted the previous tenants of my apartment.

They told me that the very first email from KPN had "23 2" as house number.

Can you please make sure that 21 with 23 as an addition is still ok? I really don't want other delays 🙏

My colleague told me it was 21-23, that should be the right one. Number 23 with addition 2 is also not recognized as a ‘real’ adress, so it wouldn't be possible for you to order your subscription with that adress.


Today I received again an email from KPN saying that: "We moeten extra onderzoek doen om de verbinding op uw adres klaar te maken voor gebruik".

Please, resolve this asap. I really cannot wait anymore.

As I said before, the previous tenants had ADSL connection with KPN without any issue until Dec 2022. The KPN socket is already there and it works.

Dear Marcia,

I am living in the same apartment as Lorenzo and we really need to have internet at home asap as we work remotely.

i an going to give you the customer number of the previous tenant as soon as I have it, so you can verify your facts again and help us in activating the same that they had. Please do not cancel the order because we cannot have another delay, this is becoming ridiculous and frustrating.

Dear @Marcia_ 

I have received a new email for an appointment with a KPN engineer who will adjust the connection point at my address. 

Hope this will solve the issue.

Do I have to provide him any information?

Previous tenants had:

Orderbevestiging KPN (klantnummer: ***)




Hi! I know that is the customer number. I already looked into it. Thats why my colleague said it should be number 21, addition 23. I see you made an appointment with the technician on the 24st of January. Everything should be fine by then!