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I would like to cancel my order with KPN . I made internet installation order on Sept. 26th. 2019 (I think I was misled during phone call). I officially made a cancellation request on Oct. 4th. Till now, three days including working day Monday,no body answers my cancellation request. Here, I make my request: Could you be kindly enough to cancel my order with KPN ? Could you be nice enough respond my cancellation order on Oct. 8th. ?

I would like let you know what happened.

I tried to make 13 phone calls to KPN customer service. There were only four phone calls successfully reaching KPN staffs.

1) The first phone call on Sept. 26th: I asked about fiber installation of KPN. KPN staff told me I need to make an order first. KPN staff told me only after the fiber is successful installed, the KPN will indicate my current internet provider to transfer my internet package.

But two days later I found out KPN directly made a date to my internet transfer date without letting me know. I even did not know what the price of my internet order is. Then KPN directly make internet transfer. I am sure KPN does not have my signature in my order. The whole story is totally different from what I was told. I was misled. How come ?

2) The second phone call: I contact KPN about fiber installation, because in the first phone call, the staff told me the fiber installation department would call me within few days(even till now, I have not received any phone calls regarding fiber installation). My phone call was transferred to fiber installation department. I waited for around 20 minutes and nobody answered my phone call. How come ?

3) The third phone call: I am already unhappy about KPN phone call customer service. In the third phone call, a man talked very nicely and he told me to wait for moment after hearing my cancellation request. My phone call was then transferred to a woman. The woman in phone customer service heard that I would like to cancel my order. Then she said one sentence in Dutch and hanging up my phone call. How come a customer service hanging up phone call without any explanation ? This is unacceptably rude.

4) In the fourth phone call: I asked for my customer number and made an online of cancellation request on Oct. 4th. (I even did not know my customer number.)

Even till now(three days later), I have not received any response regarding my cancellation request.

Well, my experience with KPN phone call was not happy, especially the woman suddenly hanged up my phone call in the third phone call. (She can talk very good English.)

Now, in this forum, I would like to make my request again:

Could KPN be kindly enough to cancel my order with KPN ? Could KPN be nicely enough respond to my cancellation order on Oct. 8th. 2019?
Hello, Patrick, welcome to the forum! I'm sorry to hear you've had these experiences with our telephone customer service. The general order of things you were told is correct. You can order a package with us and we will activate that on the indicated date. We will then contact your current provider to cancel your current internet per the date our internet became active. You will always get official confirmation, by email, of your order which includes the expected activation date and of course the complete contents and costs of everything.

It seems, however, that some miscommunications have occurred here, and I'm sorry about that.

Then, cancellation. You have the right to do so within 14 days of ordering, so you were on time. The process you followed was also correct, so you did everything right. WIthout data I cannot be sure about this, but perhaps she felt her English was not good enough to handle your request. Regardless, however, she should not have hung up.

When you use the online form for cancellation, we will contact you by phone within a few working days to handle the request. So, I expect that call back this week. However, I can imagine you'd rather not wait for that. So I'd like to look into this for you. Kindly fill in your forum profile with postal code, house number, name of contract holder and date of birth. Let me know in this topic when you have done so.
Hello Sir, your feedback and response is quite active and very nice.

In this morning, I made my fifth time calling to KPN. I was lucky today. I talked to a nice guy. He immediately canceled my order after checking contact holder information. He explained patiently on how to return KPN router package. You see. There are nice and patient guys in KPN. This morning, I told the guy that there was a woman who suddenly hung my phone call last Friday. He already found it out in the record. He apologized for his colleague. (The guy I talked Tuesday morning was very nice. ) Do you still need me to fill the forum profile ? If so, I can fill the form. My request of cancellation was already met in my fifth phone call. I am happy now.

Regarding the accident of "hanging up my phone call", my point is that the woman on last Friday could have transferred the phone call to other colleague instead of hanging-up, if she felt her English was not good enough. Most Dutch people speak quite good English. Hanging-up phone call just causes dis-satisfactory, a not good behavior. I would hope all the phone customer service staffs can have the same standard as the guy I talked this morning. The guy on Tuesday morning talk impressed me.
Glad to hear that your last phone call with us was a good one! With my colleague having handled the cancellation that is sorted. So, you do not need to fill out the profile anymore.

I am in full agreement regarding the hanging up. That is not an acceptable action in this case. She should, indeed, have transferred you. Feedback will be given to her about this so she can do better next time 🙂