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Hello everyone,

I wanted to share my frustrating experience with KPN, hoping that it might help others in similar situations or at least bring some attention to this issue.

A couple of weeks ago, I started using KPN as my internet provider. However, without any prior notice, KPN suddenly cancelled my internet subscription. When I contacted their call center to find out what happened, the representative claimed they had attempted to call me 9 times and even left voicemails. However, I did not receive any of those calls or messages.

When I asked why they were trying to contact me in the first place, the representative could not provide an answer. This lack of communication and transparency is extremely concerning.

To make matters worse, when I requested that my subscription be reactivated immediately, I was told that it would take a few days to process. This means I will be without internet for several days, which is completely unacceptable in today's connected world.

The final blow was being told that someone would call me back in 3 working days. This delay is unacceptable and shows a clear disregard for their customers' needs and inconveniences.

Has anyone else experienced similar issues with KPN? How did you manage to resolve it? Any advice or shared experiences would be greatly appreciated.

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