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Hi there! I’m switching providers. Tmobile already shutdown my connection, but on KPN status shows the switch is going to happen on Monday. Should I connect KPN equipment already? I need internet for working, and I’ve been told that the switch was going to be without service interruption.

Could you please help me?

Thanks in advance,


Just called Odido and they said KPN gave the green light to shutdown my connection. Why it’s still not working?

i tried also to call 0800 0402 but no luck

I talked with KPN and they said, they didn’t give green light to tmobile, and tmobile says that KPN already claimed the line. This is very disappointing.

no one from kpn here?

What do you mean by “but no luck”?

You definitely have to switch equipment. Kpn only works with kpn equipment. Also change the black glassfibre box.

No luck, means that the issue is not resolved and they don’t know how to solve it.

T-mobile turned down my connection on the 22th, because KPN took over the line. The customer service center just doesn’t have information or they don’t know what’s going on.

Just to make it better, today I’ve received another email from KPN stating:

De startdatum van je abonnement is veranderd in 27 september 2023.

...and I called again to the 0800-0402 and the answer I’ve got was “I don’t know why we sent you that email or what is going to happen on the 27th” 

So, yeah...that means no luck.



You definitely have to switch equipment. Kpn only works with kpn equipment. Also change the black glassfibre box.

KPN never switched my fiber on their POP. I’ve tried, but no service.

@furfix I came across your topic, did you manage to clarify the situation yet? Did the line became active today?