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I have a T-mobile home subscription but I don't have connection since 1.5 months after installation date. I asked them to fix the problem but t-mobile said there is problem with the line and I should have contacted to KPN costumer service. I don't really know the problem but T-mobile costumer service said in my apartment there is only one connection so the line will have to be split. and KPN should do this. 
My address is ******** *****Oss, NL

Could please help me regarding to this problem.
Thanks in advance

T-Mobile is responsible to arrange that for you.

As a customer you should not have to worry about that, it is T-Mobile who has to get in contact with KPN NetwerkNL which is a separate organisation.

This forum is the forum of the provider KPN which, just like T-Mobile, makes use of the infrastructure of KPN NetwerkNL.

Thank you for your quick answer
But T-mobile says:
the line isn't broken but the incoming line can be split up into multiple connections. In this case this hasn't happened yet and someone else is already using the incoming line. So the line needs to be split (both physically and on paper) so that another connection can be realized. KPN is the grid operator in the Netherlands for DSL so they are the only ones that can/are allowed to do this. What will happen when you contact them is that they will send over a mechanic to weld a new so called "soc" which they then connect to a new ISRA point.

When I wrote to KPN NetwerkNL they said they only give service for Fiber network.
I don't know who should I contact now.

You should contact T-mobile as they are responsible for arranging the connection.

It is T-Mobile, not you, who has to contact KPN NetwerkNL.

Hello @emreturkerler, welcome at the KPN Community. I'm very sorry to hear that you're finding troubles with the (internet)line. Unfortunately, there is noting we can do for you from here. As a customer you should always can rely on the help that your service provider gives you, if there is a problem with the line T-Mobile has the responsibility to take care of you as a consumer. They can contact KPN NetwerkNL directly, to solve the problem. I hope you will find a quick solution! Have you thought of contacting them thru the T-Mobile community? ;)

Hello Nadia,
Yes I contacted them from T-mobile community. They also contacted KPN before but now they are saying they can’t fix the problem and I should contact with KPN. I don’t understand the situation. In the end a technician should come and fix the line problem but so far T-mobile is not arranging that. 

They also contacted KPN before but now they are saying they can’t fix the problem and I should contact with KPN.

That is not how it works, it is T-Mobile and nobody else who is responsible for arranging that your appartment gets a working line. They must contact KPN NetwerkNL!

That is so odd. As much as I would give you my help, I can’t. Sorry!  We're not even aloud to see your personal data and help you thru our customer services. We only can give you the advice to contact T-Mobiel (again) and ask (demand) for a solution.

shame on t mobile for sending you to a wall. 

they should make a ticket to kpn and then kpn will send an engineer. 

if it were me i would close the contract with them and join kpn :D 


anyways what Tmobile is suggesting is not allowed by kpn. 

look at it this way. you have one (any normal)house with one cable. due to administrative reasons. 

kpn cannot offer you 2 lines on one cable for that same house. to get 2 internet lines you can however take kpn and then ziggo. 


anyways. it is technically possible to do it.. 

by splitting the adres like 1a and 1b. but it is still the same house. the land lord is resposible for this with the "gemeente”

unless he is renting illegally.. 


or kpn can make an exception. but i doubt it they will. because they cannot keep track of 2 lines within 1  line. see”administrative reasons” 


so what now. 

i see some advice to contact kpnnetwerknl. that's wrong. because they mostly do fiber. 

and highspeed copper lines


volkert wessels is the one who do land/ telephone lines. 

i suggest to send a form to 

for a “haalbaarheidsonderzoek” or feasibility research. to see if its possible to split the cable and bring 1 connection to your room. 


now it depends on who pays for it. because its expensive

good luck. 

Hi @Darkie117, thanks for your contribution in this topic 🙂 That's very helpful, except for this: 

so what now. 

i see some advice to contact kpnnetwerknl. that's wrong. because they mostly do fiber. 

and highspeed copper lines

KPN NetwerkNL is mostly known for the construction of -high speed- glasfiber, but they also maintain our copper network. In fact, they manage the entire KPN infrastructure. 

The advice was for T-mobiel to contact KPN Netwerk NL, that's how we roll ;)

They also contacted KPN before but now they are saying they can’t fix the problem and I should contact with KPN.

That is not how it works, it is T-Mobile and nobody else who is responsible for arranging that your appartment gets a working line. They must contact KPN NetwerkNL!

