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I received my KPN modem a few weeks ago. I initially thought a technician was scheduled to come on January 10th, but it appears that an appointment was not arranged. The issue is that there is no internet socket in my apartment to connect the KPN modem. I live in a building with several apartments, and each of us has an Ethernet connection for a shared network where we can plug an access point, different from the standard fiber connection.

KPN customer service mentioned that a KPN box was installed in front of the street a few months ago, assuring me that a technician would come to assess and fix any issues. Technically, my contract started on January 10th. I would like to know if this problem can be resolved, and if so, I would like to schedule an appointment with a technician.

Additionally, in the event that a connection proves impossible, is it still feasible to request a refund? I came across the 14-day policy, but I am unsure if this period is counted from the beginning of the contract or the modem installation.

Hi @Daniel92 and welcome to our forum! 

If you have your own apartment, and it has its own house number, then you should have your own connection point. You say that there's no internet socket like in the other apartments. Are you able to post a photo here of the socket you mean? 

If it's a regular internet cable socket, then that's not something we can arrange. That's up to your landlord (if you have one) or the homeowner. 
If it's an access point for your copper (DSL) or fiber optics connection point, then let me know or post a photo of the access point here if you’re not sure which one it is. 

The 14 day policy starts when your connection is active. As long as it's not active yet, you’re able to cancel (and within 14 days after activation). You can do this by calling us on 0800-0402 on business days between 8:00 - 18:00 and on Saturdays between 8:00 - 17:00. Tell the system you want to cancel your subscription and you should be forwarded to the right department automatically. 🙂