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I had been happily using KPN for over a year, until I move to the new apartment. I asked for change of address and they told me everything is fine.
I went to my new place there was no coper wire for ADSL. I made a couple of phone calls to KPN each one I had to wait more than 15 min behind the line, in the end I managed to convince the operator that there is no wire (I had contact with more than one person for support, some of them were referring me to youtube videos online). Finally they told me they will send me a technician and they will give me emergency internet if things didn’t work out. After a couple of days technician came and he couldn’t figure out the problem and he told me we need to have new wiring in my house and it will take 10 days for someone to come and fix the wiring. I said this is not going to work for me I need to have internet now and operator told me I can have emergency internet, technician told me “the operator just sit behind computer they don’t know what they are saying”, I cannot give you internet now (imagine working from home situation). I was that pissed that I told him I want to cancel my subscription. He said he cannot do that and I have to do it myself over the phone. Later I realised that he canceled my move request!!

I called KPN asking to cancel my contract as this is not acceptable for me. After staying behind line for more that 1 hour and telling them this is not acceptable and I will post this online. Operator told me “Don’t you have a job!!!”, in the end they told me they will cancel it and I will get a confirmation. I didn’t receive any confirmation!! After 5 days I saw they are still taking money from my bank account for the service that I’m not getting. I called them, again after waiting behind the line for a couple of times for more that 15 min they told me your contract is not canceled and KPN cannot cancel it.

It has been terrible and frustrating time for me for last couple of days. It’s really shame a good service provider like KPN has this terrible support and way of communicating with customers. I had to call KPN maybe more than 10 times and each time waiting behind the line for unrealistic periods. I had contact with many personal and their attitude had been unacceptable for me.
I hope this message reaches out to responsible people.

Hi @farhadir and welcome to our forum. I'm sorry to hear that the start of your subscription has been this rough. 😔 That's not the service you should expect from us and I'd like to look into what's happening with your subscription. Could you please fill out your forum profile with your address? Then I can do some research. Could you also tell me whether you’d prefer cancelling your subscription or try to get internet working (albeit through an emergency internet package or getting the actual connection up and running). I can't make any promises yet, but I can promise we'll try our hardest to find what's possible here. Please send a message here when you’ve filled out your forum profile! 

Hi @Sanne_M , I have filled the form. Just please have a look at my call history to KPN. I’m frustrated and wanted to share my experience. I prefer to cancel my subscription as I have already managed my internet through another channel.

another guy posted something here! did you remove his post?!

Thanks for the data @farhadir, I'm sorry this has all been so awful.  
I've taken a look at your file. The latest update is a request for you to send an email to our cancellations department containing a “Bewijs van inschrijving” from the city council. You can include a link to this forum thread in this e-mail so you don't have to explain everything all over again.
My colleagues should be able to cancel your subscription based on that. Do keep in mind it takes a couple of days before this is processed.
I'm sending you their direct e-mail in a Private message.

Hey Thomas,


Thanks for your message. I have sent the email.

I had been told before that my subscription is going to be canceled, but after I understood nothing had happened.

Let's see what happens this time.
What I observe is, some kind of systematic failure, that staff don’t have the right attitude towards solving a problem.