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I signed up for a mobile phone contract and internet. Within two weeks, they didn’t manage to install the internet (it took less than a day with ziggo). I tried to get my prepaid number transferred to a contract. It didn’t work. I ended up with two contracts and nobody knew what was going on. I then cancelled, utterly frustrated, within my 14 day cooling off period. This took at least 10 phone calls, hours on hold, and three visits to the store! (who has the time?!). I went to Vodafone and was all set up within 10 minutes and for a better price. I finally managed to cancel the KPn contract, got my confirmation email as well as a confirmation receipt from the store. Now, a month later I get a bill for 56 euros and they’re telling me I need to pay this. For what?! It’s an absolute JOKE! The call centre employees have no power or knowledge and the store staff are nice enough, but also useless. I am so utterly angry and frustrated with this company I have no words. Please, to anyone reading this, don’t sign anything with these people. They are at best idiots and at worst gangsters. 

Feeling better now?




Hi AC, welcome! I hope you've been able to release some of your frustration 🙂. I understand things didn't quite go according to plan. From your message I gather that you've canceled everything, both mobile and residential. The bill you got, was this for mobile or residential? It is possible that, when cancelling withing the 14-day period, there are some costs you will still have to pay. However, to say anything about that with certainty I'll have to look into it. If you would like me to do so, please fill in your forum profile and let me know here when you have done so.