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Dear all,

Today I had to shutdown the electricity, and my super wifi repeaters were not reconnecting automatically (as usually do). So I went on the Thuis app to have a look to the wifi status.

But I cannot see any info anymore partically.

I have only the name of my wifi (see image attached). Usually I can get the qr code of the main wifi and the password, plus the guest connection qrcode etc.. but don't know why now I cannot see anything.


Any idea?


Hi @sebgreg and welcome to our KPN Community! 

Have you tried reinstalling the app? If so, what if you try through the settings on your MijnKPN app? Most options from the Thuis app are available in your MijnKPN app as well, so you might find what you need there. 

If it's mostly about the quest wifi QR code, then this topic has some alternative tips to get a QR for that one: 

It's in Dutch, but if you enter it in Google Translate it should translate the entire page for you. 🙂 
Hopefully this helps!
