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Dear Madam/ Sir,


I am a customer with KPN. I will be moving from Den Bosch to Velp in June and I would like to check the possibility of transferring the connection to the new address. Could you please inform me if it is possible to transfer the connection from my current address to the new address on 22 June 2020. 


If there are additional costs involved, then please do let me know about it.


The relevant details are as follows:




I kindly request you to do the needful. If you need more information, then please do not hesitate to contact me. I await your reply.


Thanks and Kind Regards,

Vipul M H

PS: It is almost impossible to reach you by phone. Are you facing issues currently?


admin: privacy gegevens verwijderd


*Admin: topic verplaatst naar juiste board

There where issues this morning with the call center availability, you can reach out to 0800-0402 again and the will arrange your move to the new address. 

It is already arranged. I used the chat-bot. Thank you.
