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Hello, Mr. Jorg Kramer, I am deeply disappointed and outraged by the services of KPN. Since September, I've been trying to bring KPN internet to my house, ****, this has become a nightmare from which I can't wake up, I've wasted dozens of hours on the phone with robots and KPN employees without solving anything proof of disrespect for your customers, I think you are not aware that the salaries you collect come from us CUSTOMERS. After long conversations with customer service, I finally managed to bring the Magic fiber cable to my house, but for 2 weeks now I have been struggling to get possession of the router, more on November 17, 2022, I received a letter (I found it at 4 pm when normal people usually return from work) as on the same day, November 17, a KPM employee comes to install my device between 1 and 3 pm. How is that possible??? it sounds like DECORATED AFTER DEATH, I started to believe in SANTA but not in KPM, shame on you.
Without respect and with total disgust Gabriel Cristian Stan
For God's sake, we live in the 21st century, stop mocking your customers.


Admin: gegevens verwijderd i.v.m. privacy

Hi @gabriel cristian stan, welcome! I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing this kind of trouble! I see the installation package (with the modem), was delivered to the Jumbo Supermarket in your neighbourhood. You can pick it up there within a week (don't forget to bring your ID card). I also see you've made a new appointment on the 28st of November. I hope everything will be fixed by then!