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Hi, I have been a KPN customer for more than a year. I recently moved to a new apartment and informed KPN well ahead of the time about my movement. I was confirmed by KPN that my internet connection has been activated at my new address and I am good to move on Feb 15th. However, when I moved in, there was no internet connection as there are no KPN ISRA points in my apartment. I did several follow-ups with KPN and they told me that the internet connection will be activated only on Feb 23rd when an engineer will show up.

I never requested for Feb 23rd as my internet connection and I have emails confirming that movement will complete on Feb 15th. Due to this delay, my work has been severely impacted as I ma working from home. Additionally, this has costed me additional $$ as I am replying on my mobile internet data for all my work.


Though an emergency kit has been sent to my address but it’s too late now. I’d like to escalate this issue to the higher KPN officials.

Hi @YashP . Welcome to the forum.

Sad to read about your internet troubles. I'm pretty sure I won't be able to escalate this. I'm telling you this because I don't want to give you false hope.

If you like, please fill out your profile page and give me an update after you have done that. The least I can do is checking the progress.Â