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Hello all, 

I switched to KPN with 500mb/s speed to get a better wifi at home. But the wifi is very poor and unreliable. Tried to contact the customer service a few times. First time, the agent was not helpful at all and he kept repeating that he cannot do anything unless I purchase the extra wifi repeaters. The second time, they offered to send a wired repeater and call back to follow up. I received the repeaters, but no follow up. 

Since then, I have spent several hours on the wifi manager, walking up and down the stairs, changing settings, but still poor connection and sometimes no connection at all.

Today, I got disconnected from my online meeting at work and I spent 2 hours on a loop in wifi manager without getting to an actual person of customer service. 

Does anybody here know how I can get help? Who is going to measure my lost time and frustration?

Hi @Unreliable wifi, Welcome here! 
Thank you for your topic. Hmm.. I'm sorry to hear about your wifi issues and the lack of support you received from us. I will try and help you solve your wifi issue:hugging:
To begin with.. I need some more information about the issue itself. Can you explain it a bit more detailed to me? 

What do you actually experience or mean by ‘wifi is very poor and unreliable’
Are there no issues when using a wired connection? 
What are the results obtained by the WifiManager? (Up/download speed)
Also I am curiour about the hardware you use. Which Experiabox do you have and how many wired repeater are connected?
I​​​​​'m already asking you many questions, sorry:sweat_smile:
Last question for now: Could you please update your profile with your personal details. This allows me to take a look in our systems. All the ‘private’ boxes are only visable for KPN moderators. 

Hello Lisa,

Thanks for your response. In the meanwhile, I could finally talk to the customer service. They sent an installer to check the wifi and solve the problems.

The connection is now much better.

We can close this topic. 

@Unreliable wifi I'm happy to hear about the mechanic that solved the wifi issue for you. If you face more difficulties in the future, you can always explain it here. It sometimes takes a bit longer for us to respond. But, eventuelly, a KPN moderator will help you out.:blush:
