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I was very upset yesterday to have a very rude KPN person come to the door to talk about the installation that is taking place in the street. She did not speak English - which is fair enough - and I did my best to use the poor Dutch I have to have a conversation with her - but when I got to a part that I did not understand she just got louder and louder and started to shout the same thing at me over and over.

I kept asking her to lower her voice politely but she just kept on and on wanting to come in to take a photo of the place where she wanted to install the cable but which was not in the meterkast nor in the living room and was in fact in my utility room which is not connected easily to the living room - I kept explaining that Ziggo put their cable into the living room directly from the ground so it was possible as our house is the end of a terrace but she shouted at me yet again!

I raised my voice to tell her once more to be quite and then she said she would not talk to me (which she was not actually doing as she was shouting at me!!!) I asked for her name and ID and she refused to give me both!

I was very, very upset to be treated so badly in my own home and I contacted CHAT which said all they could do was raise a complaint and gave me the customer service number.

I called customer service who put me through to somebody else and then they in turn put me on to somebody else again - I have not heard back and I feel that KPN have not taken my complaint seriously and I would recommend to any expat NOT to use KPN under any circumstances!

Ziggo are far better.

I am still waiting for somebody to get back to me from KPN!

I sincerely hope that a KPN moderator will respond to your issue on short notice and will help you filing a complaint.

It is ofcourse absolutely unacceptable behaviour of that KPN person and she should be made aware of that.

Thanks - I hope so too. The people on the phone I spoke to were very nice and sympathetic but just passed me onto somebody else - it is a pity that somebody has not got back to me right away as I gave them my (KPN) mobile and email. (I will have to spend this weekend finding a different mobile provider!)



Hello@DAGBreda Welcome on the KPN Forum and thank you for sharing your experience. Perhaps you cannot expect that all of our mechanics will discuss matters with you in proper English, but you are always entitled to polite and respectful behaviour. I'm really sorry you had this experience with one of our mechanics. 

Ofcourse I will help you to fill in a complaint. I'm going to need some information. Could you leave your name, adress, mobile number and customer number in your KPN Forum profiel? That way your personal information is only visible for yourself and me as a KPN Moderator. The incident took place at November 6th, but could you also tell me at which time it was? 


I have filled in the details - it was just after 12:00.


Allright, @DAGBreda I have passed your complaint to the right department. I'm working for the telecomprovider KPN and your complaint is meant for the networkprovider KPN, which are two different branches. That means I can't tell how long it will take until you get a response. For now: my sincere apologies that you had this experience. 


Very disappointed that KPN have not contacted me … I guess the poor service continues!

At the very least they are condoning it by their lack of action!

Hi @DAGBreda I'm really sorry to hear you haven't been contacted thus far. As I explained in my previous message, I'm working for the internetprovider KPN. You have a complaint for the division (KPN Netwerk) which is responsible for the maintenance of the network ,on which the provider KPN and other provider offer their services. That division doesn't  have any attachments to the provider KPN.   

I think complaints like yours should be taken really serious, so I passed your compaint to KPN Netwerk. But since it isn't a a part of the provider KPN I can't tell you how your complaint will be taken care of or when. I have made a phone call to their customer service and they need you to contact them directly. You can refer to the previous complaint I filed in on your behalf. On this page you’ll find an e-mail form and their phone number. 



hi Bart,

I really do thank you for your efforts on this, however, I am not a customer of KPN Network! I am a customer (or shortly not to be) of KPN!


It is a pity that the organisation of KPN cannot take responsibility for their “sister” company as it was described in a conversation on the day of the incident when I was passed from person to person on the phone!


I’ll give them a call and see why they have not responded!




Hi @DAGBreda I understand what you mean, which is exactly the reason why I filed in this complaint on your behalf. It just that I can't tell you anything about the follow up, because your complaint is meant for another division:  I have no other way of reaching the right department, which I would have if your complaint was meant for the provider KPN. 

My sincere apologies for this situation, again. 
