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Hi, apologizes to write it in English, I am an expat, would be easier for me to explain such a complicated case in Dutch. I am posting this message here to ask when will my internet will be delivered. I called more than 15 times now, still no solution. Here is the timeline of my experience:


  • Nov. 23 ordered. Expected deliver date Dec 4
  • Dec. 1. called because I still did not receive my installation package 
    1. Customer service 1: maybe PostNL have it, they are busy. Without asking my details? Am I that stupid (CALL 1)
    2. Customer 2: it is strange but I don’t know why, maybe you should call back tomorrow. I see we gonna deliver on 4th Dec (CALL2)
  • Dec, 2. called again, because it was asked by the previous customer service
  1. Customer service 3: I think you will have internet tomorrow (Wow, you will have magic?) (CALL 3)
  2. Customer service 4: Oh, I see here that you need to contact KPN network, because the cable was not ready. (CALL 4)
  • After 4 calls, finally some information, should I be happy, No! the nightmare just started


-->Called KPN network: We don’t do copper cable anymore (So wrong referral from the customer service).They asked me to call KPN infra

-->Called KPN infra, they also have no information but they gonna look further (CALL 5)



  • Dec 3, got a call from KPN back office, saying we cannot deliver, an emergency package is received, how nice! I was excited. Later, it turned out later, it is so useless. In where I live (City center) the KPN 4G signal is bad. The lady on the phone also said, you need extra cable for it, we will contact you.
    1. Called KPN infra 2 times, they said the cable was ready (CALL 6,7)
    2. Customer service 5: you need extra work for the cable, then when I said I already contacted KPN infra, there is no cable issue, then they cannot help further.


  • Dec 4, called again, since my neighbor have internet from KPN , same new building, same cable to the building
    1. Customer service 5: called in the morning, she said I gonna have internet on the Dec 7th. I don’t trust that. (CALL 8)
    2. Customer service 6: Oh Sir, we see a ticket is created and you need to wait, then hang up(WTF!)(CALL 9)
    3. Customer service 7: called again because was cut off, I got quite frustrated even a bit angry, then I asked just tell me when you gonna deliver. He said back office is going to call you latest Dec 7. Huh, you said internet is ready Dec 7th earlier . He even said, oh I see you are trying to push hard, WTF IS THAT (CALL 10)



  • Dec 7, GOT HANGED UP 5 TIMES!!!! Unbelievable. Always half of the conversation then end
  1. Customer service 8,9,10,11. You gonna have your internet by 8th Dec. when I asked it is shipped? Hanged up (CALL 11,12,13,14)
  2. Customer service 12: she is very nice and helpful. But I was also surprised, there was NO TICKET AT ALL. She created a new ticket and will wait another 3 days if I am lucky to get it solved. According to her, she also donno why it cannot deliver. In the system, there is no error no nothing!(CALL 15)

Besides, I also tried to contact via Facebook. I will also put some screenshot here to show how confusing KPN customer service are!


It is not a big deal when KPN cannot deliver on time. It is easy to understand. I don’t know why customer service think customers are emotional and foolish! Do you think they have nothing to do and come here to complain? My feeling is that 80% of KPN customer service amateur they are just trained to systematically ‘comfort’ customers and not solving any problems! I am angry not because of KPN can’t provide service, but very disappointed of completely opposite information


I really want to ask the last time the simple question before I cancel all subscriptions I got from KPN, what is wrong with my Internet application? Can someone give me a clear answer? I am just a normal customer just paying to get my service. How I deserve to be treated like this???