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Good day, I am hoping to find a way to get KPN Network to establish an appointment with me to get the orange cable brought inside my house so that my new subscription can start. I’ve been waiting over a year and my neighbor who ordered after me was connected a few weeks ago and the technician said my house wasn’t on the list? We shared the same location that the orange cable comes out the ground but the technician didn’t connect my house while he connected the downstairs neighbor. I would just like to have fiber brought inside my home. Please help. 

Hi @RobHopingForFiber and welcome to our forum! 

Odd that your house has not been connected yet. 😕 You and your neighbor do have separate house numbers?

If so, then I would advice you to contact KPN Netwerk. They're in charge of connecting home to glass fibre, on this forum we work as KPN the provider (for your subscriptions etc). 
Hopefully KPN Netwerk will clear this up soon!

Hi @Sanne_M , my neighbor is house 40 and my house is 40A. I haven’t heard anything from KPN Network, all I get is emails from KPN that I will be connected soon and KPN Network will be contacting me soon but then I never receive anything? When I call KPN Network they tell me they have contractors who will contact me? It seems no one is responsible and knows what is going on. Who do I really contact to get connected? 

If KPN Netwerk told you that it's been forwarded to one of their contractors then it is a matter of waiting until they contact you. They can be very busy at times, so it might take a while. 
I don't have access to their planning as they’re a separate entity, but if you haven't heard anything yet you can always keep contact them and ask for an indication.

@Sanne_M It seems whenever I contact KPN Network I am told a different story about why my neighbor was connected, sometimes I’m told directly that my neighbor hasn’t been connected, yet I saw the contractor there. Other times I’m told I’m on a list and other times that I am towards the front of the list. Each time they tell me they can’t get me in contact with the contractor and seems no one knows who the contractor even is. I am told to keep waiting but it’s been over a year and my neighbor who ordered after me gets connected before? Makes me think there is a bigger problem but also seems there is no one who knows anything, or their system can’t see past a generic page which has very limited information. So how does one find more information if everyone you speak with doesn’t know anything? 

Hmmm, I understand the confusion if you’re getting different answers each time. Could you fill out your forum profile and let me know here when you’ve done so?

Then I can at least check what our systems say about the state of your connection and hopefully what to expect. 🙂

@Sanne_M I have updated the profile. I appreciate you looking into this. I received a promotional leaflet yesterday with KPN offering me 9 months of 35 euro a month glass fibre and when I do the postal code check following the QR code link it says my house is connected when it isn’t. I spoke with a customer service agent last night and was told that KPN Network has tried to reach me three times but I have had no emails, calls or house visits which I know of or have been arranged with me. I spoke with someone from KPN Network this morning and was told that I was contacted on the 17th of October and I was not reachable but I have no emails or incomming calls on that date. However the agents I speak with can only see very limited information, nothing about the times or method of reaching me. It apparently just says that I was not reachable. I would very much appreciate it if you could help me on this matter. 

Thanks @RobHopingForFiber

I've looked into it and summarized all the information I’ve found here:

I also see messages that they’ve been unable to contact you regarding the fiber installation, but that was back in December 2022. After that I see you’ve received an e-mail on the 15th of August this year about KPN Netwerk contacting you to install fiber. 
I'm wondering about that e-mail, have they ever contacted you after that? 

If not, I see that you called yesterday and my colleague noted that you would call KPN Netwerk about getting fiber into your home. 
You’ve said here before that the contact with KPN Netwerk wasn't always successful, did you get some clarity this time? 

In my system I see that fiber has been installed in your neighborhood on November 2022, but that you (or the person living there at that time) wasn't home or available after trying to reach them 3 times. 
It also says that after ordering, you should hear from KPN Netwerk within 3 weeks after ordering about installing fiber in your home. 
Since that time window has passed, I'm curious whether your recent contact with KPN Netwerk has provided any new information.

Hi @Sanne_M Thanks for looking into it for me, I am really getting nothing from KPN Network. I received the email from KPN on the 15th August that I would be contacted soon by KPN Network but I haven't received anything from KPN Network. I have phoned them often but each time they tell me they will send an email to the department which schedule the duplex appointment and I never hear anything again. I phoned yesterday and was told again they tried to contact me but they really haven't. I will go as far as asking my phone provider to supply all my call logs as on my phone nothing has come through to me. The very day my neighbor was connected I was at home and spoke with the contractor who was busy connecting my neighbor if he could connect me and I was told that he can't as there is no ticket for my place? I had to watch my neighbor get connected while nothing has been done at my house. Even going as far back as November 2022 I have no communications from KPN Network about an appointment. I even asked if I can phone the contractor myself and I am always told they can't give me the number as they don't even have the number, They just send emails the can't even cc me in so I don't think anything is actually being sent at this point. I'm at a loss. You and your colleague I spoke with last night have been the first helpful people I've been in contact with from KPN. I do appreciate your help on this matter and I hope I can get connected soon. 


@Sanne_M I even phoned KPN Network in September after my neighbor told me he might have an appointment in November. I phoned KPN Network hoping I could ensure they connect us at the same time (As we have the orange cables coming out the ground at the same point) and I was told that my neighbor does not have an appointment and we would need to wait to be contacted, you can imagine my surprise and annoyance when the contractor does arrive and tells me I have no ticket to connect my house.  


Got it, thanks for clarifying @RobHopingForFiber! I don't have a set duration for how long this will take, but I will ask my colleague who works with fiber connections. 

Hopefully he'll be able to help us out. If I hear back this weekend I will let you know, after that one of my colleagues will take over as I won't be in office for a few weeks. So if you haven't heard anything here yet by Wednesday, do reply here as a reminder, just to make sure we don't miss this. 🙂

Short question in between @RobHopingForFiber, I see a note that a card has been delivered to you on the 17th with a phone number on it. Have you received this card and called the number on it? 

@Sanne_M I hope you have a good time when you’re away from work. 

Was a card delivered on the 17th October 2023 from KPN Network? I haven’t received anything from KPN Network. The other day a promotional card was delivered offer me 9 months of 35 euro pm glad fibre and the number in that was to the KPN sales team. I found it disheartening and a little annoying that I was getting promotional cards for internet when I’ve been trying to get connected for my current contract. 

Thanks! I understand the annoyance. The timing of that card wasn't great. 😅 To say the least.

The card should’ve been from KPN Netwerk yes, so if you haven't received any card like that with a phone number on it then I'm assuming their note is wrong. I'll forward that information as well. Thanks for replying so quickly!


Edit: I've made a ticket for you in our system. If the contact information is correct then you should’ve received a text message to verify that a ticket has been made and my colleagues will call you within 1 workday. 

@Sanne_M Thanks for your effort and help on this. I received an email and sms that a storing has been created and I’ll be contacted within a business day. 

Great! Then that's also extra verification that we’ve got the right contact information. Hopefully you'll be contacted soon. Please keep me posted!

@Sanne_M I’ve been contacted by KPN and told I should receive a phone call to make an appointment within the next two weeks. I hope I will be contacted but will update this post either way. Thanks.

Hi @Sanne_M , I hope you’re well? I still haven’t heard a single thing from KPN Netwerk. The most recent thing to happen was I received a box in the mail containing the router and tv box, however the glass fiber has still not been brought inside my house. I phoned KPN and was told I should be contacted by the 6th of December by KPN Network. I had doubts this would happen and now it’s the 6th and nothing. In the meantime I tried speaking with someone from KPN Network who said they know nothing about the 6th and then they put me through to the contractor who also had no idea, but they did tell me my subscription keep getting cancelled and then I come onto their system as a new order? DO you happen to know why is this and could this be pushing me to the back of the line each time? Yesterday a technician from KPN was at my neighbor and I asked him if he could help, he said he would raise it with his manager and gave me a number to try call. I would really appreciate it if you could help again. Thanks. 


Hi @RobHopingForFiber! I'm well. How are you? 

Incredibly frustrating that you’re no step further to getting clarity on when you'll be getting connected to the fiber network. 😕

I've created another ticket for you. You'll be contacted within 3 business days and I really hope you'll get some answers this time around. 
Will you let me know when you’ve been contacted? If you still have any questions after that, do let me know as well. 

Apologies for the delay and the lack of information. We should really do better than this, and I'm going to try my hardest in getting you the information you need.

Hi @Sanne van KPN


I was never contacted, apologies for replying so late to this most recent reply.


I am just curious to know if there has been any development? 


Thanks for your help. 

Hi @Sanne van KPN , one department at KPN Network say there is a note on my address that an appointment can be made but when speaking with the planning desk I am on the T-2 list of houses and they have already left my area to work in so I must just wait longer. Last time they were in my region was on 11th Nov 2022, as my address is 40-A it falls under a high building, although I am one level higher than my neighbor who was connected recently, but they must need some serious ladders and specialized people to install a cable and box higher than two meters. So I will just wait.  

Hi @RobHopingForFiber! No worries about replying late. You haven't been contacted at all, so if anything we should be apologizing to you… 

I do see a note in the ticket I made, dating from the 12th of December. It says that you’ve been contacted and that the conclusion was that waiting was all you could do. Like you’ve said yourself as well. We’re dependent on the party that will connect the fiber into your home and if they need to make or find space in their planning to do so at your home then waiting is the only option. 

Too bad there's not an indication of how long the wait is, but hopefully they'll be in your neighborhood again soon with the right equipment and people. Thanks for the update! 

