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How can you cancel it by mistake? i’m actively trying to cancel it after i moved i cannot find how. At the phone they let me waiting forever until i quit waiting…


Admin: eigen topic voor je vraag aangemaakt

Hi @carlos252225! I`m sorry to hear you are having trouble cancelling your contract. Normally calling 0800-0402 should be enough. Is that the number you've been trying to reach? Admittedly the lines have been a bit more busy than normal due to Black Friday however this should never result in you not getting through. Could you try once again and let me know if you get through this time?

Yes. It was that number. The fourth person that I told all my story was able to just click in a few things and was done. The other 3 ladies I really don't understand what happened.


But yes. In the end everything went fine.

Thank you dor your answer.