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I sent an email to end the contract two months before the end date and KPN asked for several documents, so I followed up with one more question about the payment of one of the documents they asked and they did not reply any more. It remained unsolved for two months and when I suddenly get another invoice to pay for an extra month. Customer service was not helpful and pushing the problem to the customer! I made several phone calls to them, one said I will get the refund and the other one said I will not get the refund😅. They are very confusing! 

Hi @HWang and welcome to our forum!

That is confusing. 😕 If you’ve sent the required documents then you should at least hear back regarding ending your contract. 

I can't end contracts, so I'd suggest calling us again and ask for the department in charge of ending contracts. They’re available on weekdays between 8:00 - 20:00 and on Saturdays from 8:00 - 17:00. 
If you’re abroad you can reach us on +316 1200 1200, and within The Netherlands it's 0800-0402. Hopefully this way everything will be sorted quickly!

Hi @Sanne_M, thanks for replying! It is confusing and I had already called and the contract has ended but it makes me spend the fee for one extra month for nothing and I get no refund all because they didn’t respond my email:/

If you cancelled your contract online, then you should’ve received a confirmation of your wanting to cancel the contract. The date on which you wanted to cancel back then should be mentioned on that as well. 
You can use that e-mail as proof that the subscription should’ve ended sooner. 

Make sure that, when/if your contract was cancelled now, that you received a definitive confirmation of ending the contract. In there it should say that the contract will be ended by a specific date. 
Once you’ve got that, then you’re at least sure that the subscription will be cancelled and no more invoices will be coming your way.

Thanks for responding!

Yes! I have already cancelled through the phone call. The thing is because of the no response from KPN for that email caused my late cancellation and made me pay extra. I think KPN should cover that amount cause it initially was KPN’s confusion caused customer pay extra! 

Great! Glad the cancellation is done. 

Regarding the refund, do you still have the confirmation e-mail you got when you did the online cancellation? If so, could you post a photo of it here and remove/black out any personal details (address etc.)? 
Could you then also fill out your forum profile as completely as possible? 

I can't make any promises but then I'll see what my options are!

Thank you so much and here is the confirmation email:


Thank you! I've checked the address in your profile, but I can't find a subscription in your name. Are you sure you’ve entered the correct address? 

Hi! Sorry I entered the wrong one. Now it is updated!

Thank you! Found it. 😄

I see that our cancellations department first rejected cancelling the contract because they were missing the necessary documents, including the proof of deregistration. 
I then see that you asked them to refund the costs for the proof of deregistration, after that I don't see any extra uploads of this document. Did this happen? 

We cannot refund the costs for this document. It's your responsibility as the subscriber to provide us with proof that you’re moving abroad, although I do understand that it's frustrating if there are extra costs involved. 
If this proof or BRP hasn't been sent to us, then my colleagues couldn't have cancelled your subscription. They’re not allowed to do this without the right documents. 

It doesn't necessarily have to be a proof of deregistration. It can also be your employment contract abroad or a statement from your study institution abroad, but without these documents the subscription cannot be cancelled.

Thanks for responding!

I’ve been told this before but the problem is I asked again for more explanations however no one replied. It’s not about the amount of money, which it’s not much but it’s quite frustrating that my follow-up email wasn’t replied so I can’t just do it if it was not clear to me and customer service people told me the wrong information (like my subscription would end automatically on Sep 3rd) and I felt satirised by the word one of the customer service person said. All these led to this consequence and it’s why I feel quite irritated!

The wrong information should not have been given, I agree with you and I'm sorry that my colleague told you this. 

However, when you cancel your subscription online because of emigration you will see exactly what needs to be uploaded. The screen there will have this information: 

That's our way of informing you what needs to be handed in in order to process the cancellation. 
Furthermore, our department in charge of cancellations has called you about this and I see that you mentioned this in your e-mail to them as well, when you asked about the costs regarding the document. On the call they told you what document was required. 
They generally do not reply to e-mails, they only handle the documents sent to them. That's what the e-mail address is for, so that’s why you haven't received a reply from them. 

Unfortunately this means I cannot refund the costs for you. Had you provided the correct documents and had the department not processed that e-mail, then it would’ve been a different story. Or if they hadn't informed you of the missing document, which they've done as well. 
This probably isn't the news you were hoping for, but unfortunately I can't make exemptions in this. 

Despite this I hope you enjoyed your services during your stay here and I wish you a great weekend! 

Hi, thanks for responding.
Firstly, my cancellation was processed during the phone call not online, it was the person during the phone all cancelled for me. And it was always me called not the department called me to inform me. Secondly, I don't think it is bearable that customer service gave wrong information and let customers pay for their responsibility and everyone can do is to say “it is very unfortunate for that and sorry”. It is not the correct way to handle this type of issue. Third, as a customer, I think I have the right to ask my question and want clarification and it is KPN’s responsibility to give answers on time. As a customer, I don't know this email address is not a quite “active” one that “only handle the documents send to them”. All I was informed was to send to my request to this email address. Why KPN would think I know each email address’s internal functionality without letting customer service providing correct and on-time responses. Had you provided accurate and punctual information, then it would be a different story. 

If it's been processed on the phone then my colleague should have told you what documents were necessary in order to cancel the subscription. 

I can't check whether that happened, all the options I have depend on the documents that have been handed in and if the necessary ones weren't all there I cannot refund anything. 

However, I will send you a private message regarding this. This message contains private information, which is why I'm not posting it here. I will inform you further there!