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Today, Wednesday 22 of May the connection initiated but I still didn’t receive the modem.
I got an sms saying that I could start the installation, but obviously I can’t do it if I don’t have the modem.
When I check the status of the package it says “Pakket wordt ingepakt”, translation says “Package is being packed” but it has been like that since Friday 17 of May, where I ordered everything.
My order number is S******.
Is there any way of getting some more information about when it will arrive?
I’m expecting it because I don’t have any connection at the moment and is somehow urgent.
Also, the support service by call is in Dutch and I don’t speak the language

Couple of hours later an email and notification from the MijnKPN popped up saying that they’ve changed the activation date because the modem didn’t arrive on time.

Today, 23 May, the modem arrived at around12 o’clock.

Now I have to wait a whole week for them to activate my connection because they didn’t send the package on time and it wasn’t PostNL fault because they didn’t recieve the package neither till yesterday at 8 pm. 

Also, the support service by call is in Dutch and I don’t speak the language

Well, hello, you are in the Netherlands. As far as I know, Dutch is still our official language.

As for the connection: Have you already tried connecting all the stuff and maybe activate it anyway?


I'm sorry to hear there seems to have been a delay in the shipping of your modem, which on it's turn has caused another delay in the delivery of your signal ☹️

My apologies for this situation @Vilaboa 
