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Hello. I would like to know the terms and conditions of the "Direct Online Bundel" package. Unfortunately, I can't find this information anywhere. They are not listed on the KPN website. They are not in my personal account. The chat bot doesn’t understand what I want from him at all, and when he offers to call me, for some reason, instead of calling, he asks me for a whole list of my personal data, and I don’t understand why the chat bot needs to know something else about me, except for my phone number so that the operator can call me back. Moreover, all my data is already in the KPN system.
Can you please tell me where can I get data about the conditions of my package? And if it's not difficult, tell the KPN employees, because it's obviously impossible for me, that it would be nice to put this data at least somewhere so that customers don't have to bother anyone, but they can just find this data on the site, or in their personal account, or at least so that the chat bot knows about the existence of these packages and can simply provide this information to the client. At least that's how it works in my country. I can learn everything I need in any of the indicated places. But here - I can't ... Therefore, I have to waste both my own and someone else's time.
Thank you in advance.

Hi @flamehowk, welcome! The name of the package is indeed ‘Direct Online Bundel'? I also cannot find it on the website. Can you please update your forum profile with your 06-number, adress and customer number (if you have one)? I will look into it!

Hello Marcia.
Thank you for your response.

"The name of the package is indeed 'Direct Online Bundel'?"

"Can you please update your forum profile with your 06-number"
I just created a profile on the forum yesterday and it already contains my phone number, so I don't understand - why should I update it again?

KPN knows everything it needs to know about me, including my address and even my passport number. I don’t understand why I have to state this publicly everywhere and how it is connected with an attempt to find out from the company the conditions of my tariff. Is this data collection so that later I would constantly receive ads? I'm sorry, but I live in a refugee camp that's not my property and I don't want to turn their mailbox into a bin for free ads. The same applies to my phone, I have no desire to receive 100 sms messages from advertisers on it every day. I've been through this before in my country. It was worth once to indicate a phone number on the Internet on some forum, as advertisers and marketers began to bombard him. Then, among this heap of sms messages, it was impossible to find the right ones.
So sorry, but I will not publish my personal details.

"customer number"
I do not know what it is, for what merits it is given out and where to find it. I may have thrown away the letter with which I received my sim card, and if this number was there, then I did not know that it needed to be saved. There is no user number on the card on which my sim was attached. So I can't help you here either.

All I need to do is contact KPN support and ask them about the terms and conditions of my new package they switched me to. I want to know what and how much I have to pay. It's all I need.
To my great regret, I cannot do this through the chat, because the bot does not understand me in either English or Dutch. At the same time, he does not want to switch me to a live support operator.
I myself can’t figure it out either, because I don’t know the Dutch language and I see that there is a completely different system of services here, not the same as in my country. Here you have some subscriptions... I don't understand how it works. But in my country, I have never had problems contacting a mobile operator and finding out all the information that interests me, even if I did not find it on the company's website. Why there are such problems with this in the Netherlands, I can't understand...

Your KPN ID probably contains your phone number, but I am not allowed to check your KPN ID, so you will have to update your forum profile. Anywhere where it says ‘privé’, is only visible for you and KPN. When it's a prepaid number, that's all I need. When it's a subscription, I need your adress and customer number for verification. 

Madam, Marcia, I have no idea if this is a subscription or not. I am a refugee from Ukraine. A year ago, KPN launched a promotion where they gave us free SIM cards with free calls to Ukraine and a free internet package. I received one such package and used it for many months to contact my relatives and friends who stayed in Ukraine. For which I am very grateful to KPN. However, these promotions ended and I received an SMS that my package was automatically switched to the "Direct Online Bundel" tariff. And now I can’t understand what kind of tariff it is, how much money I need to put on my mobile account, and at what tariffs I will pay for mobile communications and mobile Internet.
So I have no idea about how you call it: "subscription", "prepayment" or something else.
But since I submitted my documents to KPN for issuing this SIM card, they have all my data, including my address and passport number. In addition, since I live in a refugee camp where there are many people like me, the same address is registered for another hundred people who received the same SIM cards from KPN, so even if you recognize it, this will not help you in any way solve my problem.
Therefore, I did not ask about someone who wants to know where I live, come to visit me and marry me. I asked about where and how I can find out information about my tariff. And as far as I understand now - nowhere and in any way. This is bad. And not reasonable. However, I cannot be angry with KPN because they did me a favor and I am extremely grateful to them for that.
For this reason, as soon as I find the time, I will walk 15 km to their Mobile Center and personally contact the KPN staff for this information.
Thank you for spending time with me.

That will not be a subscription, but a prepaid simcard. But could you please update your forum profile with the 06-number? Because, as far as I know, you can still call for free to and from Ukraine. 

Okay, I entered my phone in the table.

Madam, Marcia, I have no idea if this is a subscription or not. I am a refugee from Ukraine. A year ago, KPN launched a promotion where they gave us free SIM cards with free calls to Ukraine and a free internet package. I received one such package and used it for many months to contact my relatives and friends who stayed in Ukraine. For which I am very grateful to KPN. However, these promotions ended and I received an SMS that my package was automatically switched to the "Direct Online Bundel" tariff. 

Hi @flamehowk 

Based on the following post, an update was posted on March 27, 2023 that the promotion has been extended again.

That means you should still be able to make free calls to Ukraine. This promotion would have been extended until August 31, 2023.



Translation with Google

But @Marcia_ will check your Prepaid subscription shortly.

Okay, I entered my phone in the table.



I see that somehow the ‘free calling to and from Ukraine’ bundle went missing. It's reactivated by me and you can use it at least until the first of September. We know by then if you can use the bundle longer. The Direct Online Bundel is a bundle for 100 GB. 

Hello GerritS76.
I don't know, nothing has worked for me since spring.

Marcia, thank you for your help.
Today I received a sms that I can use the free package for calls to Ukraine again. I checked it and it works. In 3 months, I contacted my mother for the first time, said that everything was fine with me.
I ask you to understand my situation, I am a former political prisoner, I served 2 years in prison for my fight against the war that is now going on in Ukraine, and the special services are still hunting for me. I would very much not like to make their work easier, especially since I do not know their intentions. At least, judging by their threats against me, they are not planning anything good. And in the conditions of war, they allow themselves a lot - they torture and kill people for no reason, and none of them will be punished for this. Therefore, I try to limit as much as possible any opportunities on their part to learn about my location. Therefore, I do not want to give my data anywhere on the Internet.
Although it still seems to me that everything works somehow strangely for you. You have the ability to connect services to people, but at the same time you cannot find out any information in the databases of your company. It's really weird...
Once again, please accept my thanks. I would also like to somehow thank KPN. As far as I know, they are the only mobile operator in the Netherlands that provides us with constant substantial assistance with communications. And it helps a lot.

I understand and wish you all the best! If you have more questions, don't hesitate to use our forum again. We are more than happy to help you!

Velykie diakuyu, Marcia. It’s ukrainian, the same as Dank je wel. Just look how similar they are:
wel je dank
velykie diakuyu
… :)