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Hello I just move from Best to Helmond , and  I have different connection  whit 4 pins, I was to kpn at the store but they couldn't help me, were can I found that kind of adapter for fibre glas.

Thank you!!


Admin: afgesplitst

Hi @Razvane070, welcome! Can you elaborate some more on exactly what kind of adapter you're looking for?


If you have a fibre box (FTU) with our NT on it, you can connect your modem to that with a regular RJ45 ethernet cable. One of these is included in the installation package if this is a new subscription. Otherwise, it can be bought at most electronics/multimedia stores. 

If you are wanting to use your own NT on the fibre box, then you're on your own. We don't sell those. For more information about using your own modem, see (in Dutch) 

Hello I just move from Best to Helmond , and  I have different connection  whit 4 pins, I was to kpn at the store but they couldn't help me, were can I found that kind of adapter for fibre glas.

Thank you!!

What do you exactly mean with 4 pins? The only 4 pins I know from KPN are like the one in this image:


However, this is not a fiber connection but a analog connection. If this isn't what you meant, it might be a good idea to make a picture and post it into another reply in this topic.