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Why is 5432 port blocked? I have spent an entire day trying to understand if there was a problem with my router but at the end I didn’t find anything wrong.


 I need to access this port because is the one connected for work to a Postrgresql database, this is limiting my work. 


 What should I change or do in order to use this port, thanks!

Dear Rosaria C,

There seems to be a port reserved for maintenance, but at least on an Experia box 10 port 5432 is no problem. I could only test it with a web server temporary listening at 5432, but the port forwarding is fine, I get the webpage on my phone (wifi off)  at http://myexternalip:5432

tcpdump communication extract: > pcbeneden.home.postgres

pcbeneden.home.postgres >

Did you check that the firewall on the Postgress server allows access from outside IP’s?


Kind regards,






Using my phone is fine, I’m talking about my kpn router on optic fiber,
doesn’t let me connect to that port, it is not fine, it is not working, it is blocked.
It is only OUTBOUND that I care.
And it is RosariO… 

Dear Rosario,

Please apologize for the “o” typo. With Experia box there is nothing adjustable outbound as far I know.

Sorry, no idea what could be wrong. I hope someone else can help you.


Kind regards,




Hi @Rosario C . Welcome to the forum.

We don't actively block ports. Even if we wanted to we are not allowed to. Maybe @wjb has an explanation. 

Could you elaborate on your question? What is it exactly you are trying to do and what are the error messages you receive?

It should not be a problem to use port 5432.

I also would like to know what you try to establish.

Guys is simple as that.

 I have a aws vpn that allows me to connect on a aws server over 5432.

Now if I use my kpn provider I am unable to connect to it.

If I switch to my mobile internet everything works fine. So my only understanding is that a firewall is blocking the connection.

At this point if you say that the port is not blocked I can't explain why because other people I know are able to do it over ziggo provider.

Other questions?





Again, there is no blocking of any port by KPN as it is legally not allowed to block ports.

Please check the firewall at the server side especially when the server is hosted in "the cloud". It could well be that the hosting partner blocks access from your home IP address.

Dear Rosario,

That’s a different story. You are not connecting to a Postgress SQL database (what me already surprised), but to a VPN server. According to documentation, AWS is OpenVPN based, which uses other ports by default, but is highly configurable. Default is 443, which is the port used for every HTTPS:// web connection.  Since a VPN connects two networks, is there a IP range difference between your home network and office network? KPN home is to 254 by default, if your office network uses the same range, there are some challenges…. Best to contact the VPN supplier, not KPN.