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Quick description of my situation. Guy who was living with me had contract for internet from kpn router and media conventer, today morning he just move out taking stuff with him leaving media converter only. So i stayed without internet. Im working from home and internet is most important thing for, that's why after that i runned to kpn store to made now contract for myself and first possible date was 10th of May!! Why is it going to take so much time with exectly same adress etc. even router is not necessary becouse i can conect ethernet directly from media converter to pc but stil network is not aviable on pc. Is it possible to make access for my pc or  make it faster?

I'm sorry to read that your roommate moved out, taking the internet with him and leaving you without internet. I definitely understand you'd like to be reconnected as quickly as possible. But unfortunately, this is not possible. Unless stated otherwise, we'll always pick the first available date to connect you to the internet. To you, it may seem like a long time. But keep in mind that we need to prep the connection again. This takes time. So, unfortunately, you'll have to wait until the 10th.
