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Yesterday, the technician from Yuofone visited my apartment and tried to install the modem for me. He told me that I have to activate the KPN first, then Youfone will send me a package and a technician to continue the installation. Please find more information from Guidion in the attachment.
My question is what should I do to activate the KPN and how many days do it need to activate the KPN? I would appreciate it if we could have the internet working as soon as possible.

Hi @Oran , if the start date of your subscription has already started, you should have a signal. If a Youfone technician, or you yourself, discover that the modem is not working. Then you will first have to contact Youfone, your own provider. If it's not the modem, they can create a ticket with KPN. They can send a KPN technician to make it work.

Thanks for the reply. The start date of my subscription has started on the first of June. It is not the problem from the modem. As shown in the picture (I found this picture Online) below, I only have the white box and without the black box. How should I contact the KPN technician and ask them to solve this problem? I subscribe to the service from Youfone not directly from KPN.





Hi @Oran, you have to call Youfone and explain that you don't have the NT (Network terminal).  Maybe it's in the box you received from your provider. But we can't do much for you on this forum, you really have to go to your own provider. So hopefully it will be resolved soon!
