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Hi team,
What’s up with the produkten page? Every time I only get the “loading” gray bars and cannot see my products.

It’s been like this for a while now. I’ve tried with three different browsers (Chrome, Safari & FF) both in public and incognito. Deleted the cookies and all browser history and still nothing.


Admin: eigen topic voor je vraag aangemaakt

Hi @Anibal, I'm surprised that you get to see the grey bars in MijnKPN. This was a known issue which has been fixed recently. 

Good to know that you tried different browsers, and also deleted your cookies and browser history! I understand that it didn't make a difference. Which products do you have linked in your MijnKPN account? Does it help when you unlink your products and add them again? And what happens when you use our MijnKPN app? 

Hi @Alexandra

Thanks for your reaction. Here’re the answers to your questions. Let’s hope it helps:

Which products do you have linked in your MijnKPN account?

Originally, my account was set to abonnement, but then switched to prepaid. Only mobile.


Does it help when you unlink your products and add them again?

I’ve honestly no idea how to do so.


And what happens when you use our MijnKPN app? 

The APP got deactivated magically one day (no idea how or why). To activate it, I’m supposed to receive an SMS to my number. However, because my KPN sim does not seem to be able to get connected to any network outside NL, I cannot receive such SMS and therefore unable to re-activate it.

Curiously, this all happened soon after the plan was changed to prepaid.


Hope this helps you identify the issue. :pray_tone1:






@Anibal Thankyou for the additional information! Good to know that you are using prepaid. Though it's curious that you can't connect your phone to any network. That should be no problem outside of the Netherlands. We have a help page Toestelhulp, to help you check the settings in your phone, such as the network settings. It's in Dutch though, but I hope it's a bit helpful.

How long has it been since you last connected your phone to a network? That's an important point too, because you need to use the sim at least once every 6 months. If not, the number will be blocked. Then you have 3 months left to upgrade your credit, to reactivate it. Otherwise the number will be completely deactivated. I hope not, but maybe this has something to do with MijnKPN not working.

If you want me to take a look for you, please add your mobile number in your forum profile.

Hi @Alexandra,

How long has it been since you last connected your phone to a network?

I believe last time might have been over 6 months ago. My saldo is constantly topped up but since indeed MijnKPN does not work, it was impossible to do anything about it.


If you want me to take a look for you, please add your mobile number in your forum profile.

My mobile client number was already there but I added it to the “about me” field so you can access it easily.


If the number was deactivated or something, we need to re-activate it since it’s been my number forever and it’s linked to numerous services. I’m simply traveling around for a little while and wasn't expecting this =(


Please let me know how else I can help you.




Hi@Anibal, Thank you, i've checked your mobile number first. No worries! It is active, so that's all good 🙂 It was just a suspicion I had, and wanted to check first. So now we are sure that's all good, your number is active as it should, and my suspicion is not the cause of MijnKPN not working.

So that means that it's best to check the settings in your phone. You should be able to connect to a network outside of the Netherlands as well. You can use our help page Toestelhulp for help with this. If that works out, you'll be able to receive text messages too. Then you can reconnect your number in MijnKPN (because you need to receive a text message for that). 

Another option is, give our KPN Prepaid App a try. This is an app we created especially for prepaid. The only thing is, for this app you'll also need to receive a text message, to connect your number in the app.

Hi @Alexandra 

Good to know it’s still active. I don’t quite understand why it wouldn’t connect to the network. All other sims I have do, except for the KPN one.

Isn't there any other way to activate either of the APPs using an administration system instead of user direct interaction through SMS?

This feels like the chicken and the egg. Need the SMS to activate and need to activate to get the SMS.

What else can we do? I’m open to any ideas.





PS: Here’s a screenshot of the the MijnKPN website


@Anibal I can't offer your different options then verification via text message, for connecting to MijnKPN or the Prepaip App. I'm sorry about that. Most customers are using this in the Nederlands, so there's always a connection with our network. Then it's no problem. In this case, it's a bit more difficult. 

I've checked the settings for your mobile number as well. Connecting to a network or internet outside of The Netherlands isn't blocked, so that's good. I'd advise you to try different available networks in the settings of your phone. Which network works (best) can differ from place to place, so it's best to just try. The settings in your phone are important as well, so check the network settings with our Toestelhulp. I expect that you'll be able to connect after that. 

If you have any questions in the meantime, about your credit for exemple, let me know. I can check it for you.

Hi @Alexandra ,

I’ve checked all settings based on the page and to my knowledge as well, and they are all correct. The SIM card just won’t connect to the network. Perhaps there is something about prepaid KPN SIMs which do not work properly outside NL/Europe.

My biggest concern is that the number will get blocked due to “inactivity” despite being actively used and topped-up just because it cannot connect to the network.




@Anibal Hmm, it's strange that you aren't able to connect to a network. It doesn't matter if you have a subscription or prepaid for your mobile phone, both should be able to connect outside of NL. I've also checked the settings of your mobile number and SIMcard, those are fine. Did you try different available networks? 

If it continues to be a problem, it's best to test your SIMcard in another phone. I'm wondering if you're then able to connect, or if you're experiencing the same thing. If that isn't working either. I'd advice you to order a new prepaid simcard as soon as you're back in The Netherlands. You'll keep the same mobile number if you swap the SIMcard.

Hi @Alexandra,
After a few days of trying literally every trick in the book, I’ve given up.

  • Attempted to connect to all available networks in 3 different countries without success.
  • Placed the SIM card in 4 different phones with the same result.
  • The site still shows grey bars in two different laptops with 5 different browsers (OSX and Windows).

I’m not sure what the problem is but highly doubt is the SIM as it was recognised by all phones.

Frankly, I’m super pleased with your help and great predisposition (+1 for the customer service) but extremely frustrated at KPN (I’ve been a customer for 11 years now).

Once again: thanks a lot for perseverance to assist me. 


@Anibal Of course, it's no problem, I'd like to solve this for/with you! I'm sorry to hear al those tries didn't work. And I can't wrap my mind around it, why it isn't working. I'd like to create a ticket for our technical department, so my colleagues can doublecheck this for you. To do so, I need a bit more information.

  • Aren't you able to call either? So no connection to the networks at all? Or do you get a connection with a network but isn't anything working?
  • In which country's did you try to connect?
  • In which phones did you try the simcard?
  • Can you add your simcard number as wel, in your forum profile? Then I can doublecheck that as well.