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Hey, I applied for an internet connection few weeks ago. The start date is coming closer so I was checking how to schedule the appointment. Unfortunately I can't find my customer number in any email or sms that I have received from KPN. I have received an order confirmation email which has 3 attachments. None of them had a 10 digit customer number. Can some one help me identify from where can I get that number. Thanks and happy new Yr.

You can always call the KPN customer service 0800 0402 (free) and have them check for you.

You can always call the KPN customer service 0800 0402 (free) and have them check for you.

Ofcourse I will but that can only happen tomorrow :-)

Was hoping some1 might even b taking care of the forum on weekends as well...

I understand however a response here cán take up to two days so (normally) calling is faster.

Good evening @Nikhil Gupta, i see you have contacted the customer service and the appointment has been planned.Â