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On October Monday 18th my interactive TV stopped working. It was working just fine on Sunday. I have followed the advised steps to get it working:

  • Switch off the router, optical fiber modem and TV receiver
  • Start the optical fiber modem and wait 5 minutes
  • Start the router and wait 5 minutes
  • Switch-on the TV receiver

However, it still stops at 20% with a 301 fail code.

I use my own router. It never gave a problem before and I wonder if something in the VLAN of the TV has changed that I need to adjust in my router.



Hi @Manuel_, welcome to our forum!
Are you still experiencing this issue?
The error 301 is basically that the tuner lost connection with us but we've had a couple of updates in the past few days.

During the installation it will sometimes give this error.
If it persists, could you try updating it with our modem connected instead of your own? This can take up to half an hour.

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for your reply. I’ve tried with the original KPN router. The TV receiver has loaded the new software, but I can only see 3 channels, for the rest it is just a black screen. The menu is also very slow.

After installing my router again, I get an error 561.

Has something changed in the configuration? in that case I’ll like to update my router with the new parameters for the VLan of the TV.

Are you also getting this error and the lack of channels with your experiabox? Could you try giving it a factory reset?

To be honest I'm not really that knowledgable when it comes to using your own router so I can't really help with that from a KPN perspective. (maybe the community can though)
However, I'm pretty sure you don't have to change any of the Vlan settings. Error 561 basically means the tuner is not getting the right IP adress. Is the tuner connected straight to your modem or are you using something like a switch or powerline adapters?

Some useful links:

Foutcode 561

Gebruik een eigen router i.p.v. de Experia Box

The lack of channels, and slow software, is with ExperiaBox. I did the factory reset before I connected to the ExperiaBox. I took like 20 minutes until all software was installed.

Thanks for the links. I’ll check later the configuration used by the scripts. If I get a 561 could be because my router is assigned an IP that the TV Receiver does not work with. It is strange that it started to fails now (it was been working just fine for quite a long time).

Hi @Manuel_, it's been a couple of days. Did you find anything?

Hi Thomas,

I spent last weekend reviewing my configuration and the information shared here. In my side, everything is as described, and I did not change anything. However, I can see the TV with the Experia Box but not with my router. I’ve even replicated the IP given to the receiver by the Experia box, but it did not help.

Obviously, I need to change something in my side, but I do not know what, and I suppose that something changed on KPN side, because without any change on my router, it stopped working.

So far, I’m using the Interactive TV application, sending the programs I want to watch to the Chromecast. It is not an ideal setup, but it is a workaround.

Ah that's too bad. Is your tuner connected to your router directly by cable or are you using additional routers/switches or powerline adapters?
Could you describe your network to us? 

My network setup is quite basic:

  • A fiber glass modem that connects to my ISP (KPN, in this case)
  • It is directly connected by Ethernet with a Linksys WRT1900ac router running OpenWRT
  • The router offers direct Ethernet connection to the TV receiver and a TP-Link WiFi Mesh access point

I setup the router with the information published by KPN for setting up your own router. By the time everything stopped working, neither the router or the TP-Link Wifi system received any update or change in the config.