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Hi, help please. Don't have the KPN free TV bill got on February, what to do next, some body help how I can claim the warranty


Admin: bericht aangepast i.v.m. forumregels



In my opinion please stop yelling first.

Stop yelling? Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize my inner opera singer was making an appearance!

I'll dial down the volume and save my vocal warm-ups for another time

Now, let's get back to our conversation—hopefully without any accidental high notes




Please continue our conversation with a touch of suspense and intrigue

Do you have any help or answer for me 🤓

Hi @faizalism. I've edited the capitalization outside of your first message. I would like to bring your attention to our forum rules. Please read those before your next reply. 

This is a forum where customers help customers. Assisted by KPN employees. Please treat others with respect. If you still need help with the warranty, please let me know here!


I apologize for any confusion happened here 

As I mentioned , I need assistance How I can claim the warranty or retrieve the bill for the TV device which I got free as part of My subscription 

Is there any duplicate bill can be generated ? 


Thank You,

Ok @faizalism, now I think I understand you. You received a welcome gift (tv) and this is stuck. Now you want to claim warranty at the vendor (Philips I think). I cannot answer this question because I don’t know for sure if KPN of Philips is responsible for the warranty. @Bram_ is the person who can give you an answer I think as he is employed by KPN.

I hope your TV is repaired or replaced. Goodluck!

@faizalism when we deliver the tv, there is a separate letter in the box. This letter contains all of the information for your warranty. Do you still have the box or this letter?

If you don't have this letter, please first inform the company who'se made the television. If this is Philips for instance contact Philips customer service

If they're asking for proof of purchase, let me know here. Do fill in your profile in that case, so I can find you in our systems. 🙂

Hi Unfortunately Need the Bill / Proof of Purchase - showing Date of Purchase

I didn't received the letter as it was delivered to my Neighbor at that time

Appreciated if could Please help me to get the details from your system

Thank You & BR

Hi Unfortunately Need the Bill / Proof of Purchase - showing Date of Purchase

I didn't received the letter as it was delivered to my Neighbor at that time

Appreciated if could Please help me to get the details from your system

Thank You & BR

It is very bad to see how disrespectful you are being treated to a problem here. The fact that you have used capital letters (for Chat insiders with the meaning shouting, referring to an internal page of KPN, which is only available in Dutch, which says nothing about capitalisation is shameful for us Dutch). You just expect an answer, and get a foreigner minnows response. Reading this makes me ashamed to be Dutch, I apologise to my other compatriots, we are not all like this.

I don't know if you are from the UK, but the same rules apply everywhere in the EU. The supplier of an item is responsible for the warranty. In this case KPN.


If they're asking for proof of purchase, let me know here. Do fill in your profile in that case, so I can find you in our systems. 🙂

I think @Bram_ is willing to help if you provide your contact details in your profile. Maybe he is able to deliver the letter or another warranty proof. It is normal that service is done via the tv vendor.



If they're asking for proof of purchase, let me know here. Do fill in your profile in that case, so I can find you in our systems. 🙂

I think @Bram_ is willing to help if you provide your contact details in your profile. Maybe he is able to deliver the letter or another warranty proof. It is normal that service is done via the tv vendor.


Like I wrote Roy, in this case KPN. Before somebody gets a wrong idea. Nothing wrong about fulfilling the profile. 

Yeah but KPN will ship it to the vendor and topic starter will end up in waiting longer than necessary. KPN is responsible indeed and the vendor is taking care of the repair. It’s the procedure for most of the e-shops.

Let’s see if Bram can deliver the warranty letter to solve the problem.


Thank You For your  generous swift responses and sorry for my English or Capitalization

 new to NL  😊

One query - What are the details required ?

and is it ok to share my details in this  platform.?

Please advice ,Thank You 




Please share your details in your profile. Just click your name/icon in the upper right corner and then fill in your customer number and phone number and/or mail.

Some parts of the profile are only visible for the KPN moderators to respect your privacy so do not write details in your topic as it is visible for others also.

With the details provided a moderator like Bram can contact you.


I have updated 

Thank You

@faizalism thanks for your responses. I've done my best to try and see if we have the same form you received in this box. But we don't have this. I do still want to see what I can do to help you get warranty from Philips. 

What I have done is sent you a copy of the contract and a copy of the e-mail that indicates we sent the television on 02-02-2023. What I would recommend is contact Philips through their contact page. Let them know what the serial number on the television is. Also explain the situation to them.

Also you indicate that the box had been delivered at the neighbors. Does this mean they opened the box?

Thank You @Bram_ 


In the old email it says this , anyway can I retrieve this Please to claim my 2 year warranty


Op de doos vind je een envelop met een brief van KPN en het garantiebewijs van de Philips Smart TV. Het is belangrijk dat je het garantiebewijs van de Philips Smart TV goed bewaart. Alleen dan heb je recht op 2 jaar garantie. In de brief staat meer uitleg over deze garantie.

@faizalism it states that it is important to keep the form for your own administration. Precisely because it is the proof of warranty. 

Have you tried contacting Philips and explaining to them that you got the tv with the promotion? And use the e-mails as proof, since they are recent and dated?


Thank You Bram for your continuous support

I will check with them


kind regards,