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Since the last update it is no longer possible to watch BBC1 and BBC2 programmes again or to watch them from the start if you miss the beginning.

Why is that and why does this not work for German ARD, ZDF & WDR channels either?

When I had a contract with Tele2 we also received BBC3 and BBC4. Why are these unavailable to KPN customers?
For BBC One en Two it was never possible to watch programme's after they were finished. It should be possible to restart a programme witch you are watching. With that there is a problem (as far is i know; it can also be that it no longer is within the contract).

For the German stations there is no contract for reviewing.

Due to lag of viewers and the stopping of BBC Three as a lineair station KPN decided to stop with Three (no longer available) en Four. From juli 2016 BBC Four is no longer available via KPN. Februari 2015 BBC has stopped Three as a lineair channel.

ook ik kan op BBC1 en BBC2 geen Begin gemist meer gebruiken. Terugkijken dat wist ik wel, maar Begin gemist heeft tot een paar dagen geleden prima gewerkt. Wordt hier nog wat aan gedaan? Als het niet meer in het contract is dan is het wel zo netjes de klanten daarvan op de hoogte te stellen.
Goedemorgen / goodmorning!

Gisteren heeft Erik hier bericht over gegeven in dit topic:

Het klopt dat we per vandaag géén Terugkijken / Begin Gemist meer hebben voor BBC 1 en 2. Dit is het gevolg van een nieuwe overeenkomst met de BBC die per vandaag is ingegaan. Terugkijken / Begin Gemist is nog wél beschikbaar voor BBC First.

Yesterday Erik had answered this question in this topic:

It is true that as of today we no longer have Look Back / Missed Beginning for BBC 1 and 2. This is the result of a new agreement with the BBC that entered into effect today. Looking back / Beginning Missed is still available for BBC First
