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My TV is stuck on kanaal 202, I can't close it or change it, even if I restart the TV box and the internet. How can I get out of channel 202? 

Whish KPN tv decoder do you have? 

Wat is channel 202? 


202 Pluspakket on demand aanbod (bron)

Does the red led on the remote work if you try to use de digits? Or P- / P+?


Hello @Sofie1996, is this issue still going on? 


Nothing on the remote control works. Not the Bron, not the TV button, nothing but the red and blue buttons that are to subscribe to a new pakket or 'view the pakket '. I can also switch it off. That's all. 

PeterG, the green led lights up when I push P+ or P-. Not the red. 

My mistake, but the green is good for the receiver.

Which receiver do you have?

I'm not sure I understand the question... The KPN box says ARRIS on it.. Further than that I don't know what kind it is... 

And indeed, kanaal 202 is for subscribing for plus pakket, in which I have no interest

Which type Arris? 

vip2952 with display or the vip5202 without display?

All ready the plug out of mains for about 10 minutes?

It's the 5202

I will unplug it now for 10 mins

It didn't help

Goodafternoon @Sofie1996,

If you haven't done it already, could you please fill in your profile information (accountnumber etc) and then maybe @Jeroen_dB can provide me with the details. So I can take a look in the systems if everything is as it should be for TV to work properly.


Ok, done. Filled in my details. 

Please let me know once you could take a look in the system. Also if you need any more info from me. Thank you

Hi @Sofie1996,

For as far as the systems go, all looks good. I added a test reciever and all channels are available.

However, I do believe there is a channellist (zenderlijst) active. More specific, a channellist without any channels in it (what would explain why you can't see any). So, how to select a different channellist 😊


Go to Menu → Instellingen → Zenderlijsten . If I am correct, you should select 'Alle zenders’ and once selected all channels will be available again.


Much easier is:

Press the blue button. After a few seconds “zenderlijsten” wil appear.

Select “alle zenders” (and activate with ok)

Return to ‘TV’ with the button on the remote.


😯 This actually is a revelation for me… 😶 

After testing the trick with BLUE does not work with the channels 200 - 210 😪

TijtheMan thank you for the advice, it did the trick!!! It's back to normal finally. 

Thank you to everyone for the suggestions

After testing the trick with BLUE does not work with the channels 200 - 210 😪

It does work on channel:
200 - Netflix
201 - YouTube
203 - PrimeVideo
205 - NPO Start
207 - XITE

On the other channels within that range it doesn't work, because the blue button is configured differently (to ‘Open Zenderpakketten’) 

Ik ben nooit uitgelogd, maar mogelijk omdat ik er dagelijks ben.

Ik heb een nieuwe afstandsbedieningbesteld en kan hem niet koppelen aan het kastje alleen aan  de smart tv zelf...ik snap er niks meer van met de oude afstandsbediening dat ik dat ligt daaraan 

Dit topic is een heel ander onderwerp @Den1e . En betreft een Arris vip5202 ontvanger.

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