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Hello, my name is Taku Inada.

We (my wife, daughter, and me) subscribe the ‘KPN 12GB en onbeperkt bellen/sms’ which costs €22/month. Though we contracted ‘KPN internet 100Mbit/s’ from July, we haven’t receive the  'combivoordeel - Korting op Mobiel'. I assume we can receive €5-7.5 discount each. 

How do we activate combination discount and how much do the mobile fee?

We thank for your cooperation in advance!

Sincerely yours,

Taku Inada

Hallo @T Inada ,

Voor het aanmelden van jouw producten voor de voordelen van KPN Compleet of Combivoordeel (dat is afhankelijk van hoe oud jouw abonnementen zijn) kun je de voordelen zelf nakijken en aanzetten. Controleer eerst of de voordelen actief zijn via MijnKPN

Google Translate: 

Before registering your products for the benefits of KPN Complete or Combi Advantage (depending on how old your subscriptions are), you can check and activate the benefits yourself. First check whether the benefits are active via MijnKPN. 

Hi Noordzee,

Thank you for your prompt reply.

Following your advice, I can confirm our benefits.

(On ‘Mijn KPN’ app, go to ‘Profile’->’Subscriptions’ of Administration→ ‘view benefits’ )

And then, how do we receive the refund which is already paid (about €30?)?


