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Hi there, I hope I can get an answer from KPN support here.  I have a new KPN mobile subscription since April and in the invoice that I just received, I do not see the Hussel discount and have no clue how to bundle that with my TFT Internet subscription as home. The MijnKPN pages shown both KPN mobile and TFT Internet subscriptions but apparently it is not doing the trick. Please advice on how to activate the discount as well as to get the discount back for the last 2 months. Thanks !


Hi @ngan! I i will do my utmost best to help you! :relaxed:

I’m guessing that the extra benefits still have to be activated: I can arrange that for you. Can you please fill in your Forum profile? The information you fill in is only visible for you and the KPN Moderators. If you can fill in your mobile number, zipcode and housenumber and your date of birth? Please give me a sign here, in your topic, so that I’ll know that you have filled in the required information to activate the benefits!

Hi there,

Thank you for looking into the issue. I chatted the other day with one of your colleague and he/she fixed the request. No action is needed anymore.

Have a nice day !


Oh, glad to hear! :ok_hand_tone4:

Thank you for your feedback and have a nice day too!