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I used to have 5.- EUR discount in Telfort that suddenly stopped work and I received bigger invoice for March 2021, can someone please advice why?

Hi @Serrj, welcome to our forum. The CombiVoordeel discount is possible when there are both a mobile and a home internet connection active on the same address. I see you've already entered your address on your profile, I've checked the subscriptions at this address and I only see a home connection. I don't see a mobile subscription. Do you have a mobile subscription of ours? If so, can you add the details of the mobile subscription to your profile aswel and tell me when you've done so?

Hi @Jasper , done!

Thanks @Serrj, I've found the mobile subscription now. I tried to register it for CombiVoordeel again, but it didn't let me. I've created a ticket for another department so they can take a look at this for us.Â