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I really need for help.

8 April I’m opened account but I don’t know that I can buy a new mobile phone and include in it my subscription for unlimited data. I just come to Netherlands and don’t know this. Now I saw an ad and want to buy iPhone 13 and keep my subscription.   An employee told me that it’s impossible. I can’t change or reject my subscription and must only open a new one. What I can to do? This is not entirely correct in my opinion.  I want to keep my contract and add an option to it (mobile phone abonnement) not a single month has passed since the subscription, so this is possible I think. Help me or I want to terminate the contract for improper provision of services.

Hello @Spartakos, if i understand correct you now have a sim only contract? You can change a sim only contract after 3 months into a contract with included a mobile phone. 

@Jeroen_dB Hello! 
yes, now I have only sim contract. 
I can include mobile phone into the contract only after 3 month after I sign it?

why I can’t do this now?

Yes, you can only change it after 3 months. After the 3 months you can change it to something with a phone. 

@Jeroen_dB Hello!

I have one more question. 
It’s not comfortable for me to add 2gb every day. It’s a not unlimited data. It’s just a pre-paid limits. I spent for 20-30 gb someday, because I’m streamer.

it’s not comfortable for me, really!

With unlimited you get 10GB. If that is not enough you can add 2GB every time you need more. That is the way unlimited data works.