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Dear KPN,

Recently I was calling to (paid) information lines. I wanted to check how much did I pay for those calls but neither in KPN app nor on KPN website I can check the costs. Could you tell me where can I find it- I know that they will be on the bill but I do not want to wait.


Thank you


*Admin: edited titel for findability


@Mpiotrek Welcome! Thank you for asking your question here on our Forum! Did you call these information lines with your mobile phone or with your landline? 
If you called them with your mobile phone, the KPN App must show that ‘you made additional cost’ if you click on the pop-up underneath your number, an estimation of the costs will be shown. 
If you called them with your landline, you should wait for the following invoice. 

@Mpiotrek Hi, I haven't heard from you anymore. Did you get an answer to your question? 

@Lisa thank you for your answer.
