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Just wondering if anyone ever successfully cancel the phone subscription due to emigration???? I’ve stayed in many countries and used many service companies worldwide. KPN is so far the worst experience I ever had. 


I’ve submitted my cancelation request 2 times already and haven’t heard anything back from KPN, they just keep charging me.



I submitted the emigration cancellation request online through the link customer service sent to me on Jun.23.

Even though it states on the email that the request would only take 5 working days to process. I waited till Jul.20 and it’s not cancelled yet, so I went to the online customer service again.

The online customer service agent blame me for:

  1. Didn’t submitted the deregistration proof in PDF file even though it clearly stated on the online form that both PDF and JPG are accepted
  2. Didn’t state the reason why I want to cancel the subscription even there is no such space for me to fill that and I filed the request through an emigration form.
  3. Didn’t leave a phone number for them to call which I did leave my Dutch phone number(I submitted the request right after I got the deregistration for from gemeente which is 5 days before I depart from NL) as well as my email address which they could contact me
  • The confirmation email I received from KPN on Jun.23 after I submitted the emigration cancellation request online:point_down_tone2:
  •  The link customer service sent to me to file the emigration cancellation request:point_down_tone2:


  • It clearly states online that jpg file is ok:point_down_tone2: 
  • The chat transcript I download with online customer service agent:point_down_tone2: 




Right after my unsuccessful first try, I went for a second try on Jul. 20. It’s been 10 days (8 working days). Still I haven’t heard anything or received anything from KPN. I went to the online customer service again. The agent first said I need to wait for 14 days and then said I need to wait for 1 week which doesn’t make any sense. (It clearly states on the email, the request should be processed in 5 working days and I’ve been waited for 8)

 The confirmation email I received from KPN on Jul.20 after I submitted the emigration cancellation request online:point_down_tone2: 

The chat transcript I download with online customer service agent:point_down_tone2: 


I had very smooth experience with cancellation with other service companies when I left NL. KPN is now giving me serious headache not to mention the extra months bills I have to pay.


Did anyone ever successful with this cancellation? What’s the trick here????

Hi there @Jmi, welcome to our KPN Forum!

If I understand it all correctly, a lot goes wrong here. Canceling a subscription for which the contract is over takes about 1 month. It is slightly different with emigration, but we need more information for that. You indicate that you have sent this via the online form.

In order to check things, I also need information from you. Would you like to supplement your Forum profile with name, postcode + house number (at the time in the Netherlands), customer number and 06 number? You can put this in the appropriate boxes or otherwise in the personal comments. I would like to hear when you have filled in the profile, so that we can take a look and hopefully give you more clarity in this.

@Susan_  Just filled the information in the forum profile. Thanks for the help and hopefully this request could be successfully processed soon. 

Hi @Jmi. I took a look and I don't see a response/action yet since the last time you filled in the forms. I think they are behind in processing it. We’ll have to wait untill the colleagues process it. There isn't much we can do in the meantime, but we'll keep an eye on it to see if it will go the way it should this time. 

This is been over 2 weeks now. The online customer service told me to wait for 2 weeks instead of the 5 working days which stated on the email.

Anyone can give me any updates please???????

Am I gonna be told to wait for another 2 weeks and just keep pushing the time back, keep charging me?????

Hi Jiamin. I still don't see any new notes so I'll ask what's taking so long. I'll get back to you as soon as I know more.

Well I got a response and they are behind on processing cancellations due to emigration. But I can see that the cancellation was rejected again:

The burden of proof sent by the customer with regard to the cancellation has been rejected.
The reason for this is:
A declaration of emigration is not yet a definitive emigration, Ms has received a form when she left the country, a copy of that proof must be sent by Ms so that we can cancel the contract.

Thanks Paul for your follow up.

However this is crazy. I have no idea why KPN is doing such a terrible work on this issue and making it so difficult for the emigrator.

I did everything as KPN asked. I uploaded the proof, which gemeente gave to me when I deregistered,(which is the proof the online customer service team told me to upload) through the online form twice. And again this is said to be wrong by KPN.

So which proof to be exactly KPN wants and where does KPN wants me to send it to besides the link I was given? I did receive another letter from gemeente 1 month after I left NL. Is that the one KPN wants? Does it means I need to wait for another month for the response and pay for the third extra bill which I shouldn’t be paying?

Thanks Paul for your follow up.

However this is crazy. I have no idea why KPN is doing such a terrible work on this issue and making it so difficult for the emigrator.

I did everything as KPN asked. I uploaded the proof, which gemeente gave to me when I deregistered,(which is the proof the online customer service team told me to upload) through the online form twice. And again this is said to be wrong by KPN.

So which proof to be exactly KPN wants and where does KPN wants me to send it to besides the link I was given? I did receive another letter from gemeente 1 month after I left NL. Is that the one KPN wants? Does it means I need to wait for another month for the response and pay for the third extra bill which I shouldn’t be paying?

Yeah, it takes a long time like this. In this case I feel like the middle man, so I can't really do anything. So you need to do the same thing as before only with the right document. I don't know if it's that letter, because I don't know what it says… So I can't say with certainty that the letter. The only thing I can and did do is a correction of the amount of 2 bills. 

@Paul_ I had submitted the online request again with the letter from gemeente which had recently been sent to me to my foreign address. 

This is my third time submit this request and had provided all the documents(formats) available to prove I had reregistered from Netherlands. I truly wish this time KPN could make this right. 

Again thanks for your help and I would love to have the amount of 2 bills back. Thank you.

Thanks Paul for your follow up.

However this is crazy. I have no idea why KPN is doing such a terrible work on this issue and making it so difficult for the emigrator.

I did everything as KPN asked. I uploaded the proof, which gemeente gave to me when I deregistered,(which is the proof the online customer service team told me to upload) through the online form twice. And again this is said to be wrong by KPN.

So which proof to be exactly KPN wants and where does KPN wants me to send it to besides the link I was given? I did receive another letter from gemeente 1 month after I left NL. Is that the one KPN wants? Does it means I need to wait for another month for the response and pay for the third extra bill which I shouldn’t be paying?

Yeah, it takes a long time like this. In this case I feel like the middle man, so I can't really do anything. So you need to do the same thing as before only with the right document. I don't know if it's that letter, because I don't know what it says… So I can't say with certainty that the letter. The only thing I can and did do is a correction of the amount of 2 bills. 


Hi Paul, I haven’t received the refund for the 2 bills yet. Could you please help?

In addition, my cancellation was successed on Aug.28. However I received another email today saying I have an unpaid bill. How come I still have another bill to pay.


Hi @Jmi! I'm filling in for Paul right now. 
I see the cancellation has been processed!
The reason you see this invoice over the period áfter your cancellation is because you always pay in advance. The billing system had not processed the cancellation yet.
This will be refunded on the next invoice which should come out any day now.