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Hi all,

I don’t know to whom to say this. I got cheated at KPN Store Leiden. I will just say timeline so it helps others not to get cheated by some employees at KPN.

In August, I moved to Leiden and didn’t have home internet due to some issues of wiring. KPN told me I will get it in September. However I wanted internet as I work from home. I could use my non-KPN mobile internet but it costed me about 50Euros so I decided to go to KPN store at Leiden for help. And the story begins here:

The guy “Employee 1” told me this specifically :- I will need to pay is 36Euros for KPN sim till I get home internet from KPN and he will waive off 25Euros sim charges. I asked him when I can cancel contract, he said it is possible on mijnkpn anytime I need but I have to do it before Sept 12 (end of month in my contract). I was happy as I was saving money and believed his words. I got my mijnkpn working and tried cancelling my contract but was not possible in August and when I went to him he said the option will be activated in September so just wait.

On September 5th, I go to the shop and other guy “Employee 2” tells me it is not possible to cancel contract like that and I should call. So I called and the KPN tells me the earliest date to cancel is in October. Then I am like that cannot be. So I went back shop and met Employee 2. He tells me to come on another when the Employee 1 is at office. I do that and meet Employee 1 (6th Sept). I explain him the situation and he said he will fix it and I do not need to worry as he will cancel it. I told him that was not possible to cancel contract like that and he said ‘no no there is a possibility’ and I should  just go home and relax. I stopped using KPN number on 10th Sept.

Fast forward today, I got 80Euros bill with 25Euros one time charge. And came to know my contract is not cancelled. So I will have to pay another month. And when I went to shop the person was not there and the store owner says she understands the situation and I got cheated but there is no proof so nothing much can be done about it. And KPN has not done anything wrong.

This is when I realized that I wanted to cancel all KPN contracts as they really do not care. And I cannot cancel my House internet as I can only do it in first 14days and today is the 15th day.


At the end, from my experience I have decided to record what KPN stores say as they can easily cheat and catfish you. And I have TO BE CAREFUL WITH KPN.

Hi @manugv, welcome to our forum.
Thank you for your message, I am a bit shocked at what happened. This should have not been the case. While there are some limitation to what I can do I would like to take a look at your situation.
Could you update your profile and let me know?


Hi Thomas,

I talked to KPN by phone and have settled the issue now. Thank you for your message.

oh okay, thanks for the update! If you have any other questions you know where to find me!