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I cannot request extra data since yesterday, today as well I cannot. 

I still don’t know if I can or cannot, as  a new day started and I got new data available, I wonder if I consume the 8GB and if I will be able again to get extra data! During the last 2 days I was unable I requested it through 3 options, message, app and through the site.  I will write you if I will consume all data and I will try to get new extra data!

Hello @Joao Moura and welcome here :)
I moved your messages to an own topic to keep the overview! Strange that you couldn't request extra data the last 2 days because there were nog problems or whatsoever with requesting extra data. You can send a text message (SMS) with the text: NL2000 AAN to the number 1266. Let me know what happens the next time you try to request extra data!


I will check when my daily data will finish

I will check when my daily data will finish

That's fine and please let me know the outcome @Joao Moura!

Solved, thanks

Solved, thanks

I'm glad to hear that @Joao Moura and thanks for letting us know :)

If you ever need us again, please let us know!