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I am an exchange student who originally planned to study in the Netherlands for 6 months (February - July) and bought a mobile contract in KPN. However, due to the Coronavirus epidemic I had to leave Europe in a rush and didn’t have time to cancel the contract in person. I visited one of the stores nearest to my student residence but it was closed due to the lock-down and that was the only chance I could go there before I left the country. Since all the KPN services are in Dutch, I was looking for an email address for customer service in attempt to contact someone who speaks English yet failed. So I’m here now.


My concern is that, I wasn’t able to cancel the KPN contract because a proof of deregistration from municipality is needed but the city hall just deregistered me a week ago. I have paid for the contract in March, but didn’t use any of the service in April or May because I wasn’t even in Europe. However, KPN keeps sending me emails telling me that they will deduct money from my Dutch bank account, which is also empty now because I was in a hurry to return to my home country and redrew all the cash. I would like to know if I can waive the payments in April and May since I used “NO” data or phone call services at all and the contract is still in effect simply because I couldn't find a store to handle this before I left the Netherlands. Is there any way I can discuss with a staff member to cancel the contract now, and solve this problem individually? Thank you very much!

Hello @Enocow. That must’ve been a hectic time for you, so I understand the rush of it all. To cancel the contract this will have to go trough the appropriate department. Please fill in this form. It is all in Dutch so you’ll probably have to use Google Translate or something. I hope this will be settled soon. If you need help with this, let me know.

Hello @Enocow. That must’ve been a hectic time for you, so I understand the rush of it all. To cancel the contract this will have to go trough the appropriate department. Please fill in this form. It is all in Dutch so you’ll probably have to use Google Translate or something. I hope this will be settled soon. If you need help with this, let me know.

Thank you very much for the prompt reply and help! 

Dear @Paul_ ,

I would like to follow up my cancellation. I have been receiving emails from InfoScore that my mobile fees were still not handled, and later found out that KPN actually handed my case over to a debt company (!) I filled in the form again but I was pretty sure I did these procedures after receiving your first reply. So I then double-checked whether I sent an application to KPN for the cancellation of the service, and it is certain that I DID send the form on June 13 for the deactivation of the number on June 14. Just now, I contacted InfoScore and illustrated my situation. 

I am not sure how things ended up this way, but after all, my only demand is to have the fees for April to June waived because the mobile service would have been terminated before my departure had the situation not escalated that quickly and the KPN stores not been forced to close. I don’t think I should be held accountable for the problem because in such an agitated situation, I literally did everything I could to approach KPN from the day I decided to leave. Nonetheless, I have been absent from Europe since March 25, so it was impossible for me to use the service anyway. I hope this matter can be TRULY resolved as soon as possible. Thank you.