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Hi Team,

I have taken a mobile subscription recently and I see that monthly bill is more for me. So could you please cancel the mobile subscription? I donot want to use KPN mobile any more. Please let me know if you need any more information.


Thanks and Regards,


Hi @Nirmal Kumar 

The first bill can contain some extra costs like activation costs. You’ll also pay for a period a bit longer than one month: the starting period followed by the first full month in advance. On page 2 of the invoice the amount and periods are specified. Starting from the second invoice you’ll pay the agreed monthly amount.

How long ago did your subscription start? Cancelling is only possible in the first 14 days.

Hello @Nirmal Kumar and welcome here :)

As @RBxx mentions, the first bill is usually higer because it can contain some extra costs like activation costs for exemple. Hopefully everything is clear for you now. If you do have any further questions, please let us know.