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Complaint Regarding Unfair Roaming Charges

  • 11 September 2024
  • 4 reacties
  • 32 keer bekeken

I am writing to express my concern and disappointment regarding a recent charge of €64 on my account for data usage while traveling in Serbia.

On 7th September 2024, I traveled from Netherland to Belgrade, Serbia. Unfortunately, I mistakenly forgot to put my phone in flight mode during the journey. Upon landing in Belgrade, I received a message from KPN indicating that data roaming charges were being applied. I immediately turned off my mobile data upon receiving this message. However, I was surprised to learn that 24 MB of data had already been used in the background, resulting in a €64 charge.

I believe this charge is unreasonable for several reasons:

  1. Accidental Usage: The data was used accidentally, and I took immediate steps to prevent further usage as soon as I became aware of it.
  2. Lack of Fair Warning: I did not receive any prior warning from KPN regarding the high charges that would apply for minimal data usage in non-EU countries like Serbia. As a loyal customer, I feel this information should have been more prominently communicated.
  3. Unfair Practice: Charging such an exorbitant amount for a small amount of data usage is not a fair practice and does not align with the principles of good customer service.

As a loyal KPN customer, I kindly request that this charge be reviewed and waived or at least significantly reduced. I trust that KPN values its customers and is committed to providing fair and reasonable solutions in situations like these.

I look forward to your prompt response and a satisfactory resolution to this matter.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Hello @Pritam Mishra, I can imagine you're surprised by the data romaing charge of € 64. I'm going to cut right to the chase and say that we won't waive these charges.

Though I believe that theu usage was an accident, you have been notified of the charges for using data outside of the EU. Additionally, information about the costs of data usage outside the EU can be found on our website: Internetten, bellen en sms'en buiten de EU, overal ter wereld. We expect our customers to gather this kind of information themselves prior to their travels. Because we cannot possibly know in advance when and where you’ll be travelling outside of the EU. And, finally, using data outside of the EU is expensive. The prices are the result of agreements between foreign providers and KPN. And as you might know, 24 MB is very little data and thus used up very easily.

If you want to prevent these kind of costs next time, it's best to put your phone in flight mode before travelling. Or, if you never want to have to worry about these costs again, you can text BESCHERMING AAN to 1266. If you do this, you won't be able to use data roaming outside of the EU at all. You'll only be able to use data again after texting BESCHERMING UIT to 1266 or you can buy a data bundle. On our website you can search for the country you're visiting and then see what kind of bundle you can get.

Thank you for your response Denise. However, I believe there has been a misunderstanding regarding the €64 charge for data roaming.

To clarify, my data usage occurred within an EU country, where "Roam Like at Home" regulations should apply, preventing additional roaming charges. Given this, I find the charges surprising and believe they may have been applied in error.

I kindly request that you review the details of my case again. If there are specific reasons why these charges were applied within the EU, I would appreciate a detailed explanation. Otherwise, I ask for these charges to be waived as a one-time goodwill gesture, considering this seems to be a misunderstanding.

I value my relationship with KPN, but clarity and fairness are important, and I hope we can resolve this promptly.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your positive response.

Pritam Mishra

I think there seems to be a misunderstanding, indeed. However, not in the way you think. Though Serbia is a country in Europe, it is not part of the EU. As such, it is not part of the Roam Like Home regulation. And thus, extra charges apply. As can also be seen on our website: Internet, bellen en sms'en in het buitenland.

This means that the charges are correct. And thus my previous message stands.

Thank you for your clarification regarding the data roaming charges. While I now already know that Serbia is not part of the EU, I still find the €64 charge for just 24 MB of data extremely excessive and unreasonable. 

While I acknowledge that charges outside the EU are higher, this amount feels like KPN is taking advantage of the situation. A charge of €10 or a similar figure might have been understandable, but €64 for such minimal usage which was even done unknowingly is simply unfair. As a customer, I feel this goes beyond what is reasonable for data usage, especially when many other providers offer more affordable roaming options.  I don't agree with KPN's company policy even a partial refund or credit would have been a much fairer resolution. I value my relationship with KPN but feel strongly that customers should not be subjected to such high fees for such minimal use. Really upsetting! Have a good one!
