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For some time (few days) I’ve been able to use 5G Unlimited plan to watch high quality videos on laptop and since my main connection is slow I also used it to download some updates from Steam for my PC, but after a short time, I can’t use it anymore with that service, not even login to friends’ tab; viewing “store” or “community” tab works fine, but I guess it’s because they’re using standard ports for web browsing (80/443). Watching movies is still fine.

The moment I change to other connection everything is working fine, so can I assume KPN is blocking it?


I think steam is not supporting IPv6 connections. That is what I read on the internet.

The apn internet of kpn is supporting IPv6.

Depending if you are using Android or iPhone you can try to do the following.


Go to your network settings. Change the apn settings for apn internet. Go to apn-protocol and select IPv4. 



Change apn internet into 


Apn is only supporting IPv4.

I hope that this will solve the problem. 🙂

Heeft dit er dan ook iets mee te maken, ik ben voor het eerst op Steam met een nieuw KPN glasvezel abonnement en krijg na het maken een een account op Steam en bestellen van een game deze opmerking: STATUS OP AFSTAND DOWNLOADEN:Je pc kan niet worden bereikt

Dus wat doe ik nu, er staan tientallen socalled oplossingen, maar graag even in normale taal een concrete oplossing, zodat ik eindelijk die game kan spelen

Je hebt je post op het mobiele forum gezet. Je kunt jouw vraag beter op het forum van vast internet zetten. 

thx, ik zal het proberen

@skyman Try to use APN "advancedinternet” in your mobile hotspot.


I think steam is not supporting IPv6 connections. That is what I read on the internet.

The apn internet of kpn is supporting IPv6.

Depending if you are using Android or iPhone you can try to do the following.


Go to your network settings. Change the apn settings for apn internet. Go to apn-protocol and select IPv4. 



Change apn internet into 


Apn is only supporting IPv4.

I hope that this will solve the problem. 🙂


I think steam is not supporting IPv6 connections. That is what I read on the internet.

The apn internet of kpn is supporting IPv6.

Depending if you are using Android or iPhone you can try to do the following.


Go to your network settings. Change the apn settings for apn internet. Go to apn-protocol and select IPv4. 



Change apn internet into 


Apn is only supporting IPv4.

I hope that this will solve the problem. 🙂

It solves my problem!!!
