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Per February you invoiced me double and took two different amounts from my account. 
Please explain this; pay me back and stop it from happening from now on. 

That is correct as Telfort always charged you afterwards where KPN charges you upfront.

This means one invoice seems to charge you twice but it is the invoice for the last (part of the) month of your Telfort subscription and the first month of your KPN subscription.

2 amounts in February, 2 amounts in March, 2 amounts in April.. that isn’t correct unfortunately. If you can correct this administratively and refund me, that would be great!

Hi @AbramJ, welcome to our forums. Two invoices a month is a bit much, but are both for the same subscription? Or is one for a Thuis (landline) subscription and one for a mobile subscription? Just like KPN, Telfort also charges the monthly fee upfront.

At hte moment I can't tell what the case is exactly, as I don't have your details yet. Can you fill out your profile completely and tell me when you've done this? That way I'll know I can look into this.

Hi @AbramJ, we havent seen a reply from you yet. If there is anything I can do for you in this case, please let me know.