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Here is a situation where KPN makes me pay an extra month while I am already paying extra to be able to cancel my phone subscription when I want:
During last March, because I don't speak enough Dutch yet I cannot find my way through the KPN website so called the costumer service to stop my contract. The service did not proceed to it but instead told me it was not necessary since I would change for another provider, that this would be automatic. Soon after I requested my number portability. My new provider texted me KPN would only allow it not for the coming month of April, but of May, a month extra!! 
Therefore, I got debited by KPN for Another month while I payed to be able to stop my contract and change provider if I like! What is going on then???!

Hoi @Emeline Bonnard, welcome! If you are not or no longer within a one or two-year contract you are free to cancel your contract at any time. However, this always goes with a one-month notice. So, for example, if you tell us on April 10 that you want cancel your contract, the cancellation will take effect on May 10. This is always the case, whether you cancel through us directly, or if you cancel by going to another provider while keeping your number.Â