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Hello. I was annuler my mobile abonent in January. The Last factur should be in february, why you sand me next factur to Pay??  I finished my abonment with KPN in 28.02.2020. 

Hi @Przemek, welcome to our KPN Forum and thank you for your message. 

With a mobile subscription you always pay in advance. So for February you already pay in January. Canceling a subscription is possible on the end date of the contract or with one month's notice. You have to take this into account.

On what date did your subscription exactly stop at KPN? If this is somewhere in February (like you say on the 28th of February) it may be that the invoice has already been made for March. You will then automatically be refunded the excess costs paid (around the date on which the collection normally takes place)!

Do you want me to check it out to be sure? Then I would like to hear it. Do you want to supplement your Forum profile with name, postcode + house number, customer number and 06 number?

@Przemek I did not receive an answer yet. Can you let me know if you still want me to help you, or is everything clear now?

Hello. I send you Photo annulery abonnment


*Admin: image adjusted for privacy

This is messages from 13 January when I was annuler my abonnment in KPN. 

@Przemek thank you! I have adjusted the image and put the data in your profile. I do not see any cancellation yet. Your subscription expired on February 28. Then it continues but it can be canceled monthly.  I will check whether we can cancel it for you. Otherwise it's best to chat with us.  Choose for 'mobiel' and the last option 'ik heb een andere vraag en wil graag contact hebben'.


@Przemek, I have not seen a reaction, unfortunately. Have you been able to cancel it or can I help you with this?

I called to KPN last week, and somebody told me that my abonment will be annuler in this month, do i hope that will be finish

Can you check my abonment? It is finish?? I called last week to KPN and somebody told me that will be finish but i dont Got any confirmed... 

@Przemek, the cancellation was passed on 16 March. You have also received an email from this. It states:

KPN Dear Mr. ..., We are sorry that you cancel your mobile subscription. Thank you very much for the time you have been a customer with us. In this e-mail we inform you about the handling of the cancellation. Date of termination Your mobile number 0651574181 will be closed on 16-04-2020. As of this date, you will no longer be able to use all KPN services on your phone.

So, from the 16th of April you can no longer use your mobile number and your contact will stop at KPN.
