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Hello, I am Joon.

I am Korean and traveled to London last month.
A credit card duplication occurred in London, and I have to prove to the card company that I have not used it.

The only way I can prove it is to tell me where I was at the time of the accident.
I used KPN prepaid SIM CARD.
Can you tell me where my SIM CARD was at the time of the accident?

KPN number: ***
Accident Occurrence Time: 2019-10-23 12:30 ~ 13:00 GMT

Help me, please.


Hi @Joon Pyo, welcome! What an unfortunate situation! I see that you have a WeChat Go simcard, is that correct? I have to ask you to call with their customer service. I think you can do that by calling 1200 with your cellphone. If not, ‘Customer Service’ will probably be saved in your contacts. I have to say that i don't think they have the information you ask for. If you press charges at the policestation, they might do something for you, but as far as I know we, and WeChat Go, are not aloud to give you this data.Â