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Hallo, sorry voor het slechte nederlands. Ik gebruik Google Translate.

Ik reis naar het buitenland en mijn telefoon is gestolen. Ik wil een nieuwe simkaart bestellen, zodat deze in huis is als ik terugkom. Ik begrijp dat ik dit alleen via de telefoon kan doen, toch?

Ik kan via Skype 0800 0402 bellen, maar ik spreek geen Nederlands, dus ik weet niet op welke knop ik moet drukken. Kan iemand mij vertellen wat de beste combinatie is om iemand via deze telefoon te spreken?

Erg bedankt





I'm traveling abroad and my phone got stolen. I want to order a new sim card, so it's at home by the time I get back. I understand I can only do it via phone, right?

I can call 0800 0402 using Skype, but I don't speak dutch so I don't know what button to press. Can someone tell me the best combination to get to speak to someone on this phone? 

Many thanks

Hello @ibanb 
We also speak English in the Netherlands.😀
So you can call 0800 0402 and ask your question in English.
From abroad you can call the number +316 1200 1200

Thanks for your reply!

The problem is the automated voice system. I don't understand the options it gives me, so I don't know how to navigate to speak with a human. I have tried a couple of times and the line always get disconnected.

@ibanb You can use Skype Real Time Voice Translator

Hello @ibanb 
If you don' t say anything, you will automatically be connected to an employee.
So try it again.

I tried this, @TDN, but Skype translation is a bit slow, and by the time I have to press a button or say something, the automated system has timed out.

I'll call and say nothing @huistijger . Thank you!


Hello @ibanb 
We also speak English in the Netherlands.😀
So you can call 0800 0402 and ask your question in English.
From abroad you can call the number +316 1200 1200

Thanks for your reply!

The problem is the automated voice system. I don't understand the options it gives me, so I don't know how to navigate to speak with a human. I have tried a couple of times and the line always get disconnected.

Hello @ibanb ,

Call tomorrow again with +316 1200 1200 and then say "Storing" in the menu and wait for help. 


Hello @ibanb 
We also speak English in the Netherlands.😀
So you can call 0800 0402 and ask your question in English.
From abroad you can call the number +316 1200 1200

Thanks for your reply!

The problem is the automated voice system. I don't understand the options it gives me, so I don't know how to navigate to speak with a human. I have tried a couple of times and the line always get disconnected.

Hello @ibanb ,

Call tomorrow again with +316 1200 1200 and then say "Storing" in the menu and wait for help. 


@ibanb Are you're being served?