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So i started my contract with KPN on September,  both mobile and Internet. 


Since i started with my mobile data on my phone is not working. 
Phone device is Realme GT Neo 2. I had vodafone sim card 1 year on that phone without any issue.
I order a new sim card from KPN since i thought it may be a  sim issue, but the same problem. Data keeps disconnecting from my phone, making basically my phone useless to work. After many calls on the customer support and not even 1 straight answer.. they conclude that i need to buy a new phone basically, since the sim card is working on another device. A lady also with her so rude tone, blame me and keep telling me that KPN sim cards are working only on NL devices. Something at least on my eyes a customer should be informed when he is signing up for a new contract.. Because i don’t believe many expats would continue with the contract if they knew that they will not be able to use a service that they are paying for. And when i called again to ask if i will have a fee if i transfer then my mobile to Vodafone back again, the same lady told me you can’t cancel it unless you finish your contract for 1 year. And when i replied so you want me to pay for 1 year for a service i will never have correct? And then again trying to make it that all is my fault and is the phone problem that is not working because from our side everything looks fine. 

So I’m in a situation now, that i can’t cancel my contract because the lady assure me that if i do i will continue pay for the 1 year contract even if i will not use it, and if i keep it i will still pay for a service i cannot have. Of course easy solution will say is buy a new phone right? 

Well no… Easy solution was for matters like this costumers should be informed. 
Even if there’s a tiny possibility that data may not work on your device, you have the obligation to inform your customers about that before signing any contract. 

Just an update. 


Went to KPN store where i live. Employe over there was so nice. His own words literally told me that we don’t inform the costumers that there’s a really small possibility the Sim card to not work on the your mobile device if its from another country. He told me is a small chance but can happen, and that i am doing well to fill a complain until i can cancel my contract without need to be paying for 10 more months for service i do not have..  Honest guy, totally respected.