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I need for my bookkepper “ aankoopbon mobiel toestel “ to get back BTW.

First i call KPN and explain what i need.They send me kontract but there is no aankoopbon.

Then next day i call again. KPN worker send me by email information how much cost phone and how much is BTW but this was still not this what i need.This was no document and was all amount of phone price.

Then i go to KPN shop. Guy show me in computer that in my documents is not exist aankopbon.

I can get only monthly factur or contract he say.

I make 4th time abonament by KPN and always aankoop was by document of kontrakt and now not.

So where is it?


Hi @Bartosz Blasinski, thank you for your message!

So where is it?


In your personal online orderstatus :point_right_tone4:Mijn bestelling ?
You can log in with your ordernumber and zipcode. On the right side, you can download your contract and “aankoopbon”. Please let me know if you could download it. If not, please fill in your name, customer number, zipcode + housenumber and 06 in your Forum profile. With this information I can look up your subscription and see if I can send the ‘aankoopbon’ to you.

I didn't reveice a reaction, so I’m assuming you have downloaded your “aankoopbon”. If not, please let me know.