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Hello i would like to ask kpn employes whats going on 30 days ago they started investigation and no contact with me i needed to call.For all info how it started i came to Kpn store,and i asked if i can change my address before ordering phone because on that old location i dont live anymore,angecny housing where is also reception i will get back to this later in this post,They told me its possible to change adress but then i will wait 3 days until i can make order on phone,And the woman at the store told me that i can orderr on the old addres and later with that number from postnl i can change it,Okay so i did like she told me and when i get info from postnl i called them and asked if i can change it,and they told me that is not possible okej.So then i asked them okay if you send there on that adress i will be not there you will not give tjis to anybody who dont give me id and my signature ,They told me ofccourse not they will send it back to sender to kpn.Buuut that didndt happened somebody singed it,not even mt signature you can check it and also without id he gave it to the recepction.In my work i asked number for that employes there on reception on old location if the phone is there and they told yes its in the safe.Then incalled kpn and they told me to give their number they told him to send to kpn he told yes.Then when i called him that guy told me why i should do anything is not my busenis.Then inwas angry because i didnt ask him to take my phone its also not his bisnisz.And when that happened i called many times at kpn and they told that they do investigation.I called with the guy from kpn that they started at 26 oktober investigation and they told me 2 guys that when this 30bdays pass they will find or not find the phone i will be able to get new phone or cancel contract.Today i called again its been 30 days and they told me that they will start ivestigation with postnl??????????????? So what you been doing 30 days comon this is insane 12 calls with kpn all around 230mins of my life because of what ? I wanna cancel the contract and go to vodafone because they have phone imidiatly on the store not like kpn(because of the thieves,they dont have it on store)irony that from delivery is like this i wanna have this solved i waited long enough 

I read more threads where you KPN didn’t fulfill it within legal term of 30 days and I want to know what is the procedure in such situation.I think lot of people in customer serivce dosent have even right training for this situations and they dont know.I mean check all the recorded voice calls 

Hello ​@Marko_Morgan99, thanks for your message and welcome to our Community!

It saddens me to read that you're having so much problems. Unfortunately via this way we can't help you further with this matter, I'm really sorry. If there is a investigation going on you will have to wait for that, even when it takes longer then 30 days. For an update you should contact our customer service (0800 0402). You can also make an appointment which means we will contact you on a moment that it suits you. I hope there will soon be a solution! 🙏🏻

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